February 5, 1958. site, Ateliae du, Seelam, The Aetna Casualty ani Surety Cos, Hartford, Comme “Doar lire Browaen: é Shai 14 ini sas tae were coid bakes ot tn Sk Biba You have paid me a very high compliment, and I appreciate it very. muche I took your letter home and read it to my good family, which now consists of Mrss Allen, Robert Farl, ny sal, ond Eleanor, my youngest daughter. Jane, my middle daughter, is at Stanford, having graduated from here, and Mary, my eldest daughter, is in Louisville, Kentucky, with her husband and three childrens ‘Malton 4s married end lives at Fussell, Kansas. He is with the . Stenolind 011 Company, which is a subsidiary of the Standard. Last woek Hilton's home was blessed by the addition of a young daughter, and they are very happy about ite Ses seni ba A chee ing on a team out there, but his chiefest interest is with the | Stanolind Companys iI expect to write Milton in a very short while, and I will tell him the Pine things that you had to say about hine ‘You imow, those incidents always ripen into beautiful reflections, ee ee ee ee See may very leney Seen eee tee the little misunde ndinge os ee Saat ee eee ee and I want you to iow that I appreaiate it. + Genes Mhaet yon lave teed Jant were Gans nk oe ces We have lost two our of 14, but of course our competition has not been toc tough, so all in all we have had a very good seasons : With kindest persomal regards and best wishes, I am : ‘ Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FOAAH Varsity Basketball Coache