ADMINISTRATION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION. 31 fields other than physical education and education. The work in health education, while not necessarily requiring a medical degree, would require good training in many of the subjects in the field of medicine. A good training in anaiomy, physiology, bacteriology, neurology, genetics and social science would be of great help to all of the men in the work. Men with medical degrees or a good training in many of the subjects of a medical course might help in preventing some of the serious injuries in high school and college football. While for the most part deaths and serious injuries in football have come to athletic club and sand lot players, yet should the number of deaths and serious injuries to high school and college players increase in number, there will be a determined effort made to change the rules of present day football. Teacher Training in Physical Education. The tables in the study show that a large number of institutions are training teachers in physical education. Some might raise the question, as to how well many of the institutions train teachers for this field of educa- tion. A few years ago there was a demand for more teachers in physical education and athletics. The large number of institutions training teachers in this work have more than filled that demand. This field, like all of the other fields of teaching, has an excess number of teachers for the few posi- tions available each year. However, in the field of physical education, as in other fields, the question might arise as io how well trained are some of those now in the work. The tables show that many institutions give a minor in the. work. Others give a major, while some others give a four year course. Some of the large institutions give graduate degrees in physical education. Many institutions provide a short term course in the technique of coaching of the various sports which are of benefit to the high school and college coaches. There seems to be a tendency at the present time to add more of the academic subjects to the work. This has been brought about, to a large extent, by the financial strain of the depression reducing the number of high school teachers in many states. The high school coach is teaching some academic courses in his school. Many school administrators followed this plan even before the depression, feeling that it kept the coach in con- tact with academic class work. Physical education programs must, more than ever, help in training people to use their leisure time for their own happiness and relaxaiion from their vocational duties. There is and probably will be a greater field for trained men and women in this work in directing city recreational pro- grams. The teaching of games that may be played when students leave the campus is not in itself sufficient. A definite plan or program of the various forms of recreational activities should be presented to the student, that he may become acquainted with the various kinds of leisure time activ-