, when or sometimes three men on the offense assemble in a certain zone the coach often has difficulty in shifting his defense from the other sones into the danger zone without leaving «a vulnerable spot open to attack. ‘ ; : é é : i i j will pick up the first two men through on offense, When the other men ¢ In the accompanyitg diagram, number 1, I shall present this zone defense as follows! Draw two citeles, fourteen fect in diameter, and use each of your guards as the center of his respective circle. For the forwards, draw two circles of the same size, and the centers of which are seven feet from each side line and twenty-five feet from the end line. For the center position draw a circle of the same diameter, between the two forwards’ pesitions. You will readily see thet each man forms the center of his respective circle. tpt bscsot Mead arbdgest HNN bia ate eau = 8 53335 augbaes in5]? 3 si: 3° 3 ea ale tnt | SRdebe syed lied 43 : sist aaeg nit ‘tt LAST diieieid 3 ah ia sdgel? S485) if: (eds CTE ie aula alt Ny gesees 2% a2 ees Het Ta abt ain 435: 38 iz? gg §3 a al teeta" yt ; au rbd itls i Thiasanm Nol he should move his 7 foot back about hus should all defensive players ad- formations , the first baseman's step should be employed. * p the player to retrest, and then draw the forward )e The two steps we executed as follows: teral (la par @lose proxi« as often as is with a lateral step, and should bring the second foot up to ths a is move is to be repeated ily as a quick lateral shifte ty le wre he conserve his be @ player to learn in this hen, there will be no afffieul noxer would never think his opponent with his right foot He should running» & stance to ’ ‘ th his left foot advanced. as possible ang, in that arriving, namely 11 player. of would shift to a boxer who would permit him to run a short distance, he So it ie with the basketha With himself fron neturel stance were to box ting o objective as quickly 52 ort ‘ae These are the only two steps necessary for many and of course get to should neet his opponent he ricsting a Hei Lae basket, making that defense air-tight. 2 is very moh aah Sater Se sane entire team loeated within o radius of twenty-five feet of the basket than to Gores astep Gah on the Gheme atdch wad tien thn detest » and there-by open up holes that sre vepy hard to covers Should the team on the offensive ee > ee ee cee the side line, the defensive forward should drop diagonally backward from five to seven feet to cover this mans ca; cial GF Gs Ee ive Severe wath aeniweihy tues the player on offense back into guardeterritory. In this case the offensive forward will be well taken care of either way he noves. Hesaeer, hove $8 qu sitenthen whieh thectd net be evertestels if the team on offense should spot.a man with the ball owt in front of the de« fensive forward, and another men behind him end near the side line, a new site uation would erise and should be met in the following ways a o