RESULTS OF 1933 KANSAS RELAYS (Continued Distance Medley Relay—(440, 880, 1320, 1 mile)—Kan- sas State Teachers College, Pittsburg, Kan., (Ger- man, O’Reilly, Brown, Smith) first; Kirksville State Teachers College, Kirksville, Mo., second; Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, Kan., third ; Missouri School of Mines, Rolla, Mo., fourth. Time: 10:88. Junior College Class Relay One Mile Relay—Cameron Junior College, Lawton, Okla., Neeley, Johnson, Adkins, Wright) first; Kansas City, Kan., Junior College, second; Fort Scott Junior College, Fort Scoott, Kan., third; Inde- pendence Junior College, Independence, Kan., fourth. Time: 3:27.4. NEW RELAY RECORD. PUBLICITY MATERIAL The national importance of the Kansas Re- lays has resulted in widespread publicity of the event, both in news stories and pictures of athletes competing. In order to insure the proper notice of all athletes coming to the twelfth annual Kansas Relays it is desired that pictures of outstanding performers on track or field, and information on records made this season be forwarded as soon as possible to F. C. Allen, Robinson Gymnas- ium, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Directors of athletics and track coaches will oblige greatly by calling attention of their publicity directors to this request. os