* number of the Boards have asked for a rule which will govern the playing on floors in which the side walls and end walls represent the side and end lines,respectively. These came Soards also complein of low ceilings. As a re~ sult of these conditions,the home ¢ ub generally séeks an advantage by formins their een ground rules on which the epponents ¢o not always agree. MMfferent floors have dif- ferent rules. It has been reported that games have been de- iayed often as long as an hour before em agreement has been reached. | ta. 45 wuch as these conditions exist¢ in a widely dis- tributed area ’ the o ommittee | recoumends. thet ‘the -pules committee give consideration te the following recommende- tious to be known es Item 1, and Ytem 2, to included in Bection £ of Bnle 1. ere ae | | item 1. 3 , | On all floors which Bave’ one or more walk for bowndry lines, the bsll shall be consdé-red ont of bounds when it or the wen in postession of {t, touches the Wall in any manner, “ es Item 2 , Ya! | On adi fleors with lor ceilings,the ball shall be awarded to the op onents out of bounds if a thrown ball strixes the ceiling or any object attached. te it. # One board. presidi@ent reported have been ealled on - two different cecasions concerning the merking out of s @ourt. 4t wes alieged thet the explanation and the diagram were not clear. The folloving: changes are recommended: | Rul @; Ay ; Section 2/now reads, The center ¢irdle sh#ll have & redius. ---. Chenge to, The center eircle shall heve an ' iusive redius--. _ 9 #eetion-5,Rule 1 now resds, —--. These perpeidieular Limes shall. be terminsted and the lanes further marked by | apes of circles having & 6-Poot redius---. Change to, These’ perpendicular sines shell be ‘termineted and. the lanes further meres by ares of cireles hiving & §-foot ingide radius-+-. ie AY Gs alse recommended that: the following sentence be auded to Seefion 5, Rule 1: All lines which bound the free throw dane shall be at least two inches widé. (See Giagram on opposite. pegé). tn ear wo ae | feetion 6, Rule 1,last sentence, reads, It shall we one inch in width, ead extend garallel to,and at a distance of 17 feetfrom, the inner edge of the end lime. Change to read, It shall be i inch in width,and extend parallel ‘to, and ate distance of 17 feet from its back edge to the inner sdge of the end line. i de Mer eee Se)