espe 5 : In order to make for greater clarity it. is recomaended that the following sentence, bracketted ia perenthesis, be added to Section 13, Rule 8: } _— note of éxplanstton on page 20). e in eons ‘that there may not be any eteiiblatiidsns KS to the exact starting of the game, it is recommended thet a fourth. paragraph | be added to Section i, Rule 8, reading ee as follows: When both teams are on the court they ‘phall be notified five minutes Beferethe exact time for the gare _ te start. (Such time si ul. re | have or been agreed upon). Offietals report that ‘teams hank i heed tary in ocuhn the floor et the beginning of the second. nelf. Ruke 8, hoathde: &, deals with this soint. It hes been sugvested that a time out be cherged for each minute's tardiness. The game Wight apply when time is teken owt for eny reason. # @ patker gemeral fecling exists thet a question- &ns- wer be added ts Section 5, Rule base es teos on or athien: the ‘qusataee.Et a center, s* the at: of the circle should: 8 ‘nninde: line inte the ot foul be called? i" Answer. The center should stand im his helt of. the center eirele without encroaching on the center line or the other hslf of the circle. If personal contact oremrs on such eneroachment, it is « personal foul; 4f mot, 1% fa a violation and the bail goes to the oppesing team out of pounds. These rulings apply before and after the bpeil hes been tepped. Good basketbail is fostered by having cerers keep to their own portions of the cirele. The same should soply to’ a. ‘jump Dell in any other ‘part of the eourt. - ~ Some offteiais acne sugges ed that we return to the a former practice of Saeed é “hend er, tngehe on jump beil FPaitlure to do so is to be regarde —s violation unless personal fot occurs. — The committee wed mo so ‘keer about “chi ‘Jatter | ty the: ‘nti we i sath 3 “4 4 ae eet mast. beech ee, as means + it Ce ietilin oe aN 3 ie eo Ae Ba oS feces: ci Sigs a