shell order the offender from the vicinity of the court, and if the remoeal is not immediately brought about the official may forfeit the game to the opponents, CC. Personal Foul ( Thés is the 014 B, Personal Foul) Sections 9 and 10 to be changed as follows: Rule 15, C. Seetion $ to be chenged to read: & player shall not trip,charge, sr push an opponent whether or not either pleyer hes possession of the ball, if e dribbler charges into an opponent or wakes personal contact with en o sonent without any asparent effort to avoid such contact a personal foul ghall be called on the dribbler, If desoite the dribble ts efforts to avoid contact, personal contact ensues,either player or both may be guilty, but the greater reenonsibility is on the dribble: if he tries to dribble by an opponent who is in his path. — Bule 15, ©, Seetion 10 to be chenged to read: If A PLAYER NOT IN POSSESSION OF THE BALL MAKES P2ROWAL CONTACT WITH AN OPPONENT WHO IS IN POSSESSION OF THE BALL, A PERGOWAL POUL SHALL BE CALLED, BUT, IF SUCH PERSONAL CONTACT DORS MOT CONSTITUTE ROUGHNESS, OR DOES NOT INTE’ B UITH THR SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION Of THE PLAY, & PENGONAL FOUL SHALL NOT BE CALLED, ee Cuestion~ answer to be added to fection 10, 3 . + hell a foul be called on a guard, when in making an honest effort in attemnting to play the bell in possession of anotbe player,he mekes personel contect without roughress (old Hackt 5 that does not interfere with the success of the play,but the dribbler continues and the basket is made or the pass completed? - daswert No, only such personal contact involviag roughness or actual interference with the play ts a foul, Questions Boherd Tein | Shell a personal foul be called on a g guard who is guilty of rough personel contact which does uot interfere with the sucecss of the play? Answert Yes, roughness shal! alvays be penalized, : . It hae been recomeended that Section le, Rule 15, be deleted and added to Rule 14 as a section tc read es follows: | ? Leave the center circle or any jump ball until it has been tapped, 7