Roy Munporrr, Georgia Tech President THE NATIONAL ASSO OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dr. Jas. A. Natsmitu, University of Kansas Honorary President Roy Munporrr, Georgia Tech President H. B. Orrner, Cornell University First Vice-President A. C. Lonzore, Northwestern University Second Vice-President H. C. Beresrorp, University of Colorado Third Vice-President Dr. H. C. Cartson, University of Pittsburgh Secretary-Treasurer H. G. Orson, Ohio State University GerorceE Epwarps, University of Missouri E. A. Ketvener, Fordham University Dr. W. E. MEANWELL, University of Wisconsin MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE B. T. Grover, Ohio University, Chairman Ist Dist.: E. J. Htcxox, Springfield College 2d Dist.: Lon Jourpet, University of Pennsylvania 3d Dist.: G. K. Tepett, University of Virginia 4th Dist.: A. F. Rupp, University of Kentucky 5th Dist.: Ray O. Dietrick, Ohio Wesleyan Univ. 6th Dist.: J. C. Truespate, Grinnell College 7th Dist.:; Lours Menzz, Iowa State University 8th Dist.: Wittarp Wirre, University of Wyoming 9th Dist.: C. M. Price, University of California PRESS COMMITTEE P. D. Hinxte, Butler University Nat Homan, C. C. N. Y. Nets Noreren, University of Chicago COACHING ETHICS COMMITTEE Ray Hanson, Teachers’ College, Macomb, IIl., Chairman Lew Anpreas, Syracuse University BASKETBALL RULES COMMITTEE Ist Dist.: A. D. Kanter, Brown University 2d Dist.: L. P. Anpreas, Syracuse University 3d Dist.: Vat Lents, St. Johns College, Annapolis 4th Dist.: Josa Copy, Vanderbilt University 5th Dist.: Warp LamsBert, Purdue University 6th Dist.: Henry Isa, Northwest Missouri State Teachers 7th Dist.: Francis Scumupt, S. M. U. 8th Dist.: Howarp Beresrorp, Univ. of Colorado 9th Dist.: R. W. Grit, Oregon State College, Corvallis, Oregon OFFICIALS COMMITTEE A. A. Scuasincer, Creighton University GeorceE Keocan, Notre Dame University E. A. Ketrener, Fordham University B. L. Van Austyne, Michigan State College RESEARCH COMMITTEE Joun W. Bunn, Chairman, Stanford University W. S. Cuanpter, Marquette University Dr. F. C. Aten, University of Kansas Craic Rusy, University of Illinois E. J. Hicxox, Springfield College Everett S. Dear University of Indiana Dr. W. E. MEANnweELL, University of Wisconsin Dr. James A. Naismiru, University of Kansas P.S.:—WILL SEE YOU { H. B. Orrner, Cornell Univ. First Vice-President Dr. James A. Narsmrrn, Univ. of Kansas Honorary President DE BASKETBALL COACHES Dr. H. C. Carson, Univ. of Pittsburgh Secretary-Treasurer Fellozm ijiember: The attached bulletin is fron our President. He cannot muke his tords carry one tenth of his enthu- siasm for this meeting. He is sure the meeting is going to be ten times freater than he describes. Later ad- vices say that - DeXalb Teachers nosed out Illinois Veslayan as chumzions of the Little Nineteen, and will make the trip. University of Kentucky, South Carolina, and Ditt will orobably comolete the fouresoxe for basket+ ball denonstrations. a number of veople are soing to drive and your auto club can give you the dove on the good roads. Someone has written in about .zelia Festivals and peach: blossoms that enhance the roadways. «e vant 100 rail- roud tickets for the certificate plan. Buy your ticket to ..tlunta for full fare one way and get a certificates any ticket that costs et leust seventy five cents counts! .e get 100 certificates and you ouay one third of the fare hoie. Return tickets are good for thirty (50) days in addition to soing dates as listed with their territories below: Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, i.innesota, Missouri, Michiran, Dakotus, and isconsin, ‘larch 26 = 51. Colo- ado and vyoning, iarch 25 = 30. ile: ‘exico, Orefon, Jtah and .asningion, viarch 26 - 60. Return tickets will be validated at the meeting. snjoy an caster Vacation. If you want to day your dues aheac of the ieeting, it will be 0.i. If you vant to out them off it will be O.K., Dut you might enjoy all of that free entertainient better if you are uy) to date. any questions you lay lave in mind will he gladly answered by ‘tloy ‘undorf, lan to ake this trin. ‘ake a lot of nev ucquaintances and rener the old ones. On to .tlunta. Cordially, i!, C. Carlson,.:.D. vecty = Tre surcr AT THE NATIONAL CONVENTION, ATLANTA, GEORGIA EASTER VACATION -- MARCH 29, 30, AND 31, 1934