‘Merch 24 | 19 34 ir. HD. Bdgren, 6315 Drexel Ave., Chicago, Til. Dear Bre Begren: : It will soon be time for the enemnt meeting of our Committee on Research and Visual Investi- gation,. As a member of the Research Committee I. would appreciate . very much, if you would send me at your earliest convenience, a report on your work dur- ing the past year. I desire to place our report in weitten form before our Rules body in New York and I shall therefore appreciate your cooperation in giving me the results of your investigation = the past year, I will be in Atlanta for the National Aenceiation of Basket Ball Coaches mecting on the 29th, 30th and 3lst of Mareh, Will you kindly send me, care of Roy Mundorff, basket bail coach Georgia Teeh, Atlanta, this very meneeety information? From Atlanta I expeet to drive on to New York with my fently, While in New York I expect to stay at the McAlpin or the Hotel New Yorker, 1 prefer to have you send my mail to the McAlpin because that is where the coaches meeting will be held and I can get it there, , I trust, however, that you will be at Atlanta ées we can discuss matters there and be in a posi- tion to do better work by perernes cooperation. Perhaps, if ze can arrenge to abrive n New York a day or so before the ules meeting, we ean diseuss the problem ps haat ll tac mak- ing a written. report. . Appres tating your ccoperation and évoattns to hear from you in the very near future, I an Very cordially yours, ; : Director, FCA:IW