If. IIf. IV. V. Ce It is the sense of this meeting that it officially endorses the ac- tion of the Officials Committee in holding interpretation meetings, demonstrations, visual analysis officiating pictures, conferences and institutes under the auspices of the Chartered Boards, the State Athletic Associations and other properly accredited and recognized officials' organizations, for the purpose of broader education re- garding the rules, and the proper interpretation thereof. It is the sense of this meeting that it also officially endorses and approves the action of the Officials Committee in the plan to dis- seminate information regarding and securing the wider recruiting, examining, accrediting and rating of officials. Questionnaire Committee - H. V. Porter a. DB, Ce The following suggestions were made by the Questionnaire Committee: That the questionnaire be sent out earlier in the season. That it contain more of the questions which have been referred to the Committee on Research and Visual Investigation. (Suggestion from the floor) Have the questions sent to the officials early in the season, allow them to study their practical application to the game, and then report back on same, on the questionnaire form which will be sent them, the end of the season, Committee on Research and Visual Investigation - Forrest C. Allen, This Committee recommends: That we coordinate our activities more closely with the Questionnaire Committee and the Rules Revision Committee. Further, that the material for study by our Committee be based upon proposals which have been made to the Rules Revision Committee and which seem to have merit. . Further, that some of the problems contained in the questionnaire be drawn from material studied by the Research And Visual Investigation and the Rules Revision Committee. Publication Committee - A. E. Metadorf No report. Special Committee on Ideal Size Court Reported to the Rules Revision Committee - see printed announcement on changes issued by Oswald Tower under date of May 5, 1934, VI. Committee on Permanent Organization - H. H. Salmon, Jr. The Chairman reported that the Committee had followed instructions received at last year's meeting, i.e., to prepare a simple constitution and by-laws, after reading same, it was moved, seconded and carried: That the Committee on Permanent Organization be continued and that Mr, Salmon prepare and have sent to each member of the Committee a copy of the proposed constitution and by-laws, for vote back to the secretary regarding its final adoption, VII. Report of the Treasurer - A. E. Metzdorf e Cash in bank, with all outstanding bills paid (wnless Dr, Allen still has some as yet unpaid) $860.69 Royalties received from American Sports Publishing Company on 50,346 books, sold, of which amount $1,000. was advanced December 1, 1933 2, 513,84 Total receipts $3,174.53 nts: Loan - from the disbanded Joint Basketball Committee which is being paid back to the three original con- stituents, less bills paid- (Original loan $600.) 504.90 $1,669.63 (Excerpt from minutes of last year: That the treasurer make a three-way division of the funds in the treasury of the old organization} that $700 be distributed at once to the three or- ganizations, the balance, $600. to be held by the treasurer of the National Basketball Committee until such time as new funds are available, when this balance is to be distributed pro rata to the N.C.A.A., the Y.M.C.A., and the A.A.U.) The final distribution to the N.C.A.A., the ¥.M,C.A,, and the A.A.U., was referred to the Treasurer, with power. Less honorarium to Oswald Tower, which was - voted on at this meeting, for his expenses during the past season 500,00 Actual balance $1,169.63 wie VIII. IX. It was moved, seconded and carried that the Treasurer's report be accepted and placed on file. William McK. Barber, Chairman of the Nominating Committee reported as follows: L. W. St. John, Chairman Floyd Rowe, Vice Chairman George T. Hepbron, Secretary A, BE, Metazdorf, Treasurer Oswald Tower, Editor Executive Committee - above five officers plus William McK. Barber H. H. Salmon, Jr. John Brown, Jr., M.D. H. A. Swaffield J. Howard Crocker On motion - seconded and carried the Secretary cast one ballot for the Slate of officers and additional committee members as proposed. Report of the Editor - Oswald Tower The Editor announced the closing dates for the receipt of material for the guide as follows: Material should be in the hands of constituent member representatives by June first, and in Mr. Tower's hands by July first. Each constituent Committees member representative is responsible for the material in the guide from his section. Permission to include such material is secured from the constituent Committee member rep- resentative residing in that section. New members of the Committee are invited to send in their photographs and other material for their section of the guide. Old members wish- ing to do so may substitute the photo now in the guide with a more recent one, Order of Business for Next Year's Meeting After discussion from the floor regarding the best manner in which to handle the discussion of revision of rules, the following motion was made, seconded and carried: : RESOLVED: That it is the sense of this meeting that next year the order of business will be as follows: Saturday - 9:00 a.m. - Meetings of any special sub-committees, i.e., Questionnaire, Research and Visual Investiga- tion, etc, 10:00 a.m. - Meeting of the General Committee, acting as a allie Rules Revision Committee, to listen to sug- gestions and recommendations for rules changes from representatives of any accredited groups. Saturday - 1:00 p.m. - Adjourn for lunch This time to be followed immediately after by @ meeting of the Rules Coordination Committee, consisting of three members - (preferably the Chairman of the Rules Revision Committee, the Editor and one other) - for the purpose of tabulating these various suggestions and rec- ommendations, grouping them around the proper subjects for presentation to the re-convened General Committee. (Other sub-committees may also meet during this time for consideration of Committee matters.) 2:00 p.m. - Reconvened meeting of the General Committee, for consideration of rules changes and revi- sions. (This session will probably carry on through Saturday and into Sunday, following which will be the regular business session.) F. Motion Picture Film 1, Following a general discussion concerning the usefulness, cost of pro- duction and details of distribution of a film illustrating the approved interpretation of the basketball rules, it was moved, seconded and carried - That H. V., Porter be voted a sum, not to exceed $150. for the production of such a film, which is to be six hundred feet in length, approximately, and which is to be passed upon by the Editor and the Executive Committee - (for the entire Committee.) It will carry the statement: Author- ized by the National Basketball Committee of the United States and Canada. 2. After final approval has been secured, duplicate sets of this film are to be prepared for distribution to Boards and other organizations and groups which may desire them for use at interpretation meetings, etc. 3. There is to be a rental charge to be fixed by the Executive Committee for the use of same, which shall revert to the General Committee to reim- burse it for its expense in producing the film. 4. It was suggested that these two groups cooperate in reviewing this film and make definite recommendations to the Executive Committee. == G. In the Middle West In the Bast L. W. St. John Oswald Tower Dr. W. BE, Meanwell Dr. John Brown, Jr. H. V. Porter George T. Hepbron and one or two others William McK. Barber H. H, Salmon, Jr. A, Paul Menton H. A. Swaffield Use of Pictures in the 1934-1935 Guide 1, Following a general discussion concerning the value and selection of pictures for inclusion in the new guide, it was moved, seconded and carried That the use of pictures in the new guide be left to the discretion of the Editor after he has consulted with other people, in whom he has confidence and regard for their judgment, i.¢., the Research and Visual Investigation Com- mittee, the Chairman of the Rules Revision Committee, etc. 2. It was the general consensus of opinion that such pictures would tend to make the guide more attractive and useful. 3. The pictures in the Athletic Journal by Craig Ruby have been suggested as being particularly outstanding and applicable for use in the guide. Per- mission has already been granted for their use. ana, Membership on the National Basketball Committee of the United : : It was moved, seconded and carried that we approve the representation from Canada as follows: J. Howard Crocker, representing the Canadian Intercollegiate Athletic Association Samuel Rogers, representing the Canadian Amateur Athletic Union Annual Sub-Division of Funds The group, as a whole, discussed the matter of a sub-division of funds in compliance with a motion made at last year's meeting. It was finally considered as the sense of this meeting that the Treasurer, having cleared the books of the old indebtedness to the disbanded Joint Basketball Commit- tee constituents, proceed to make a further sub-division of the funds, on the new basis, to the participating organizations, retaining as a loan that portion of the funds which would automatically have reverted to the National Collegiate Athletic Association - i.e., 50% or approximately $500.00. J. Honorarium to Oswald Tower It was moved, seconded and carried that we vote the customary honor- arium of $500. to Oswald Tower for his expenses last season, as Editor and Official Interpreter; this amount has already been provided for in the Treasurer's report. Contribution to McAlpin Hotel Employees' Christmas Fund It was moved, seconded and carried that this Committee make its usual contribution of $10.00 to the McAlpin Hotel Employees' Christmas Fund. The Secretary was instructed to write a note of appreciation to the Hotel management for the fine service rendered by both the Management and the employees. Publication of the Guide for Next Season It was moved, seconded and carried that the matter of the publication of the guide be left to the discretion of the Publication Committee for final decision, Dates for Next Year's Meeting Following a general discussion concerning the possible dates and place of next year's meeting and after an announcement by the Chairman that the Coaches Association would like to meet at the same time and place, if pos- sible, it was moved, seconded and carried that the Committee meet in New York City on the dates of April sixth and seventh, 1955. Publication of the Guide in Canada The Canadian constituency is seeking official authorization to publish @ separate edition of the guide because of the increased retail price of the book, due to import duties, etc., which cuts into the sale, In issuing this guide there would be no changes whatsoever in the rules, and it would relinquish any claim to any sub-division of funds, from the United States Committee, resulting from the sale of the guide or accumulated from any other source, The following motion was made, seconded and carried. That this matter be referred to the Publication Committse for investigation and further communication with Mr. Rogers. Vote of Thanks to H, H. Salmon, Jr. It was moved, seconded and carried that we indicate our appreciation to Mr. Salmon for the splendid manner in which he has conducted the sessions when the revision of the rules was being considered, P. Vote of Thanks to Miss Carol R. Fredericks It was moved, seconded and carried that we extend our appreciation to Miss Fredericks for her services, as stenographer, and that we recompense her with a proper remuneration for same, to the extent of $25.00. (This service includes all work connected with producing the minutes for distrib- ution, etc., with the exception of the cost of mimeographing and postage.) D - X - Report of the Rules Revision Committee - H. H. Salmon, Jr. Prefacing his presentation of the Report of the Rules Revision Com- mittee, Mr, Salmon, Chairman, announced that certain problems in basketball had been considered by the Committee but were now referred to the Committee on Research and Visual Investigation for further study and report back next year ° Bs Note: These are: All jump balls to take place at center or at the free throw line. Restraining circle of six foot radius,at center and free throw circle to be restraining line at those points. Problem of lifting pivot foot at start of dribble. Should fumble constitute a dribble as at present, or should it be regarded as attempt to gain control of ball and a dribble be per- mitted thereafter? Elimination of center jump. Study of relative gravity of personal fouls and possible gradation of penalties. Dr. Allen's recommendation re: shooting of fouls into nearest basket. . Emphasis on the value of the field goal as opposed to the goal from the free throw line. Entire elimination of the pivot play. Refusal of penalty under certain conditions. For changes in rules, see printed announcement of Oswald Tower, Editor, as of May 5, 1934. Q. Article by Editor It was moved, seconded and carried that the Editor be and is hereby authorized to write comments on the practice of "drawing fouls". *\ R. For Investigation and Study by Committee on Research and Visual Investigation. It was moved, seconded and carried that the following be referred to sdb the Committee on Ressarch and Visual Investigation for further study and investigation: a. "The offensive team shall score field goals in their own basket but the foul goal shall be thrown in that area in which the foul is made", b. "When practically coincident, with the scoring play, a foul occurs elsewhere than on that play, the offended team may be permitted to decline to accept the penalty", 8. Adoption of Signals It was moved, seconded and carried that the recommendation of the Basketball Coaches and Officials re; Sayger's signals be adopted. HHRHERESE Meeting adjourned, sine die, at 5:30 p.m. on April 15, 1934, George T. Hepbron, Carol Ruth Fredericks Secretary Stenographic service