If. IIf. IV. V. Ce It is the sense of this meeting that it officially endorses the ac- tion of the Officials Committee in holding interpretation meetings, demonstrations, visual analysis officiating pictures, conferences and institutes under the auspices of the Chartered Boards, the State Athletic Associations and other properly accredited and recognized officials' organizations, for the purpose of broader education re- garding the rules, and the proper interpretation thereof. It is the sense of this meeting that it also officially endorses and approves the action of the Officials Committee in the plan to dis- seminate information regarding and securing the wider recruiting, examining, accrediting and rating of officials. Questionnaire Committee - H. V. Porter a. DB, Ce The following suggestions were made by the Questionnaire Committee: That the questionnaire be sent out earlier in the season. That it contain more of the questions which have been referred to the Committee on Research and Visual Investigation. (Suggestion from the floor) Have the questions sent to the officials early in the season, allow them to study their practical application to the game, and then report back on same, on the questionnaire form which will be sent them, the end of the season, Committee on Research and Visual Investigation - Forrest C. Allen, This Committee recommends: That we coordinate our activities more closely with the Questionnaire Committee and the Rules Revision Committee. Further, that the material for study by our Committee be based upon proposals which have been made to the Rules Revision Committee and which seem to have merit. . Further, that some of the problems contained in the questionnaire be drawn from material studied by the Research And Visual Investigation and the Rules Revision Committee. Publication Committee - A. E. Metadorf No report. Special Committee on Ideal Size Court Reported to the Rules Revision Committee - see printed announcement on changes issued by Oswald Tower under date of May 5, 1934,