VI. Committee on Permanent Organization - H. H. Salmon, Jr. The Chairman reported that the Committee had followed instructions received at last year's meeting, i.e., to prepare a simple constitution and by-laws, after reading same, it was moved, seconded and carried: That the Committee on Permanent Organization be continued and that Mr, Salmon prepare and have sent to each member of the Committee a copy of the proposed constitution and by-laws, for vote back to the secretary regarding its final adoption, VII. Report of the Treasurer - A. E. Metzdorf e Cash in bank, with all outstanding bills paid (wnless Dr, Allen still has some as yet unpaid) $860.69 Royalties received from American Sports Publishing Company on 50,346 books, sold, of which amount $1,000. was advanced December 1, 1933 2, 513,84 Total receipts $3,174.53 nts: Loan - from the disbanded Joint Basketball Committee which is being paid back to the three original con- stituents, less bills paid- (Original loan $600.) 504.90 $1,669.63 (Excerpt from minutes of last year: That the treasurer make a three-way division of the funds in the treasury of the old organization} that $700 be distributed at once to the three or- ganizations, the balance, $600. to be held by the treasurer of the National Basketball Committee until such time as new funds are available, when this balance is to be distributed pro rata to the N.C.A.A., the Y.M.C.A., and the A.A.U.) The final distribution to the N.C.A.A., the ¥.M,C.A,, and the A.A.U., was referred to the Treasurer, with power. Less honorarium to Oswald Tower, which was - voted on at this meeting, for his expenses during the past season 500,00 Actual balance $1,169.63 wie