MINUTES OF THE THIRD ANNUAL MEETING OF THE NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTEE ; of the UNITED STATES AND CANADA held at the McAlpin Hotel, New York, N. Y. Sunday and Monday, April 7 and 8, 1935 Executive Committee Meeting The Executive Committee met at 9:30 aem., Sunday, April 7th, with Mr. L. W. St. John in the Chair. Those present were: Barber, W. McK. Crocker, J. H. Rogers, Samuel Rowe, Floyd A. Salmon, Jr., H. H. Swaffield, H. A. Tower, Oswald Hepbron, Geo. T., Secretary Metzdorf, Ae Ee, Treasurer Secretary Hepbron read the minutes of last year's meeting and it was decided to follow this general outline for the annual meeting. Chairman St. John asked the members of the Rules Coordinating Committee to gather their material for presentation to the annual meeting and it was decided that any member of this committee be privileged to question those who make sug- gested changes in order to get their point of view. Chairman St. John gave to Mr. Salmon, Chairman of the Rules Coordinating Committee, a report of recommendations from the Coaches' meeting just recently held in Chicago, and it was decided to have the suggestions from the Coaches! Associations included in the minutes as circulated. Chairman St. John reported that there were over 150 coaches present at the National Basketball Coaches! Meeting in Chicago and it was about the most repre- sentative meeting they have had. They had several present from the Pacific Coast, the Rocky Mountain District, Missouri Valley, and the Western Conference and the Southwest. They are endeavoring to evaluate the standards of the game, and merit support and approval. , Annual Meeting Mr. Le W. St. John, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m. Roll Call: Those absent* Honorary Members: *Dr. James A. Naismith, Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. *Ralph Morgan, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.