Mr. Porter reported: "The major part of this report constituted recommendations on QUESTION- rules revisions but in addition I might say that the questionnaires NAIRE COM. with the results were distributed to various members of the commit- - tee and they speak for themselves. The compilation involved consider- able time. All the committee members cooperated to my entire satis- faction in this matter." Mr. Bohler stated that there was hardly time enough for him to get replies back to him (he is on Pacific Coast) before sending them to Mr. Porter, and he had some from the coaches which he did not have time to get to Mr. Porter. Mr. Porter said the work really started February lst and if started earlier there would not have been enough basketball to get into the swing so early in the season. MOTION by Dr. Brown: That we commend the Committee on Questionnaire for its fine work and excellent report. Carried. Dr. Allen reported: "Perhaps there was more research done this year than ever before VISUALIZA~ due to the discussion of changes. Dr. Naismith, the original research TION COM- man, continues to work on problems incident to basketball. In our MITTEE coaches? group there is Bun of Stanford, Dean of Indiana, in addition to our own group and Olson of Ohio State. "T suggested that coaches take pictures, pass on them and refer them to this body. The pictures have not been satisfactory. I want to report that the coaches! body are taking pictures because I feel that the work of our visualization committee will answer definite points involved as to what is legal and illegal, rather than tangent points of the rules. We have had the highest degree of cooperation and we are getting voluntary work by those who feel the necessity of better visualization." Mr. Rowe supplemented Dr, Allen's statement as follows: "From timé to time it has been brought to my attention that there are more people making changes in the rules than ever before because of the acute situations around the area in which I live. It happens that there were three different types of interpretation upon the same rules by groups in and around Cleveland, = Buckeye - Big Ten = and one city set up rules for playing in its high school which rules were at variance with the rules of the book. There is little opportunity to get material together in time to make it available for this meeting. 22 conferences out of 43 reporting, reported that they did make changes in the rules in their organization meetings. This seems to me serious, as they were definite changes in the rules." Mr. Salmon's report was made by way of acting chairman for re-~ COORDINAT- ports and changes in the rules. Definite changes will be included as ING COM. part of this report, He suggested that all recommendations be sent in proper typed form.