MOTION by Dr. Brown: Seconded by Mr. Porter: That the reorganization of this basketball committee consist of fifteen (15) members as outlined in the proposed plan; i.e., 4 from each of the four major organizations, 2 Canadian representatives and the editor of the guide. Carried. Mr. Salmon: "Does this equal representation on the rules committee pre=suppose an equal representation on the Olympic Committee in re- gard to basketball?" Mr. St. John: "The Chairman is not in position to answer but says, probably not as the representation on the various Olympic committees is set by the Olympic Committee constitution and no doubt this would not be altered or modified." Mr. Barber reported for the Nominating Committee as follows: In view of the time the committee will serve, we submit the nomination of the present officers and the present members of the Executive Committee. MOVED by Dr. Alien. Seconded by Mr. Salmon. That the present officers and the present members of the executive committee be re-elected. Carried It was stated by the Chairmen that no doubt whatever reorgani- zation is finally effected, the representatives designated here would be a part of the new organization. He also said that any constitu- ent organization might have separate meetings to study the develop- ment and history of basketball and that there have been men who were not on the active committee who were assigned to committee appoint- ments, from other organizations, and they have participated in activities outside of the voting. There is no reason why advantage could not be taken of good men of any organization but a committee of 15 men would be enough to do satisfactory business provided the members of this executive committee know their business. RECOMMENDED by Mr. Rowe: That this group endorse the opinion of the coaches that Dr. Allen be suggested for consideration by the Olympic Committee as one who could well be en- trusted with the coaching of the Olympic Basbetball Team to represent the United States. While it was generally agreed that Dr. Allen would make an ex- cellent Coach for the Olympic Team, the members were not in position to vote on the matter but they desired that this recommendation be considered a part of this record. It was stated that provision in the constitution of the Olympic Committee calls for a committee of 13 to handle this selection. Dr. Brown withdrew his previous motion and made the following motion: 13 ACCEPTED MEMBERS OF REORGANIZA- TION PLAN REPORT OF NOMINATING COMMITTEE PRESENT OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVE COMMITT EE RE-ELECTED SUGGESTED COACH FOR OLYMPIC BASKETBALL TEAM