PNP chon Lawrence, Kansas, Mareh 28, 1928 Mr. Aw As Schabinger, Secretary+Treasurer, Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska, Dear Schabie: Will you please send to Randwick Bissell, Associate Manager of the Hotels Windermere, our membership roster so that he may write these people regarding hotel accommodations. Will you also send him a notice so that he may have our schedule as to the time of meetings, ete. I will appreeciete this very much. T am enclosing two dollars for membership which I collected from Fred Walker, varsity basket ball coach, University of Texas. R. 5. ~~. Daugherity, head basket ball coach at Rice Institute, also desires to join. Will you kindly send him an application blank. There are a lot of other college coaches who would join if we could get them to wake up once a year. Very cordially yours, President FCA sDMW