AGERE | eae ene, ae Rs l. Re Se 4e De NATIONAL BASKET BALL COACHES ASS CIATION Membership Committee. F. J. Murray, Marquette University, Chairman. First District: D. 0. McLaughry, Brown Univ., Providence, R. I. Second District: Leo Novak, Army, West Point, Ne. XY. Third District: G. Kk. Tebell, No. Carolina State, Raleigh, Ne. C. Fourth District: John Mauer, Univ. of Kentucky, Yexington, Ky. Fifth District: F. J. Murray, Marquette Univ., Milwaukee, Wis. Sixth District: Sam Barry, University of Iowa. Seventh “istrict: Hugh McDermott, University of Oklahoma. Eighth District: E. L. Romney, Utah Aggies, Logan, Utah. Ninth istrict: C. M. ‘rice, Univ. of Cal., . Palo Alto, Cal. Program Committee. Nels Norgren, Vhicago University, Chairman. Don White, Washington University. Ee J. Martie, “niversity of Nevada, Reno. Press Committee. : R. L. Matthews, St. Louis Univ., Shairman x. E. J. McNichol, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Re H. Hager, Oregon Aggies. | Coaching Ethics, P. Hinkle, Butler University. X. George Edwards, University of Missouri. Karl Schlademan, Washington State ,Pullman, Washington. Social & Entertainment. vere ean, University of Indiana, hp Bloomington, Indiana. Arthur Lomlberg, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. D. McMillan. X University of Minnesota.