I am glad that General Pierce assured you that the approval of the N. £04, A. would be forth-coming Yes, I noticed that the A. P,.carried a story but I believe that we gould have had a more complete story. iI am sorry that some of the things we wanted were left out, I am not sure that Eckerséll gave the story to the A.P. Your know the practice of theA. P. is to nab it over and shoot it out &s soon as it goes on the press. So possibly Eckersoll wrote his story and the A. P. relayed it to the outside world. i shall be glad if you will draw up @ form letter which could be given to eseh of the verious appointees of the various committees, Please feel frank te criticize any or 411 appointees for the good of the service, There is one little item that I caught in Article 3 of the Cénstitution thet should be slightly revised, In sentence 1, I believe it would make it read better to say+-" To further dignify et etc.," I believe that this makes it more acceptable, Of course, thi cannot be changed in substance with out a vote but there could be no objection to this as it is not a fundamental change,. With this addition I hereby approve the Constitution as it stands and also the committees, Aside from naming our committees and getting them ready to function I believe that we would @in more by weiting until early fell for the membership drive, I do not know how many ecopies thet you should heve printed,. One in the hands of every college coach would, I feel Sure, sell the membership in the large majority of cases, The coaches at K earney and here are much interested in the pdssibil ities of becoming members, I find much interest everywhere, With every good wish, I an, P, S&S. Schebie, I noticed thet you had made it read, Kansas Universit Plese make it read, The University of Kanses,. Exeuse this darn typewriter. It was the first Remington ever built and prides itself on thet fact by being obstinate,.