liv. Ae A. Sehebinger Director of Athletics Creighton University Onmeha, Nebraske ily dear Schaby: I just returned from Salt Lake City and an inewerlng your fine letter of the 25d inst, I shall be very happy to appoint MeLaugory of Brown University, in the first district. fhe other appointments for the vaious districts have been agreed upon, with the exception of the eighth district. For the eighth district, I shall appoint EZ. L. Romney, Utah Agriculturel College, Logan, Utahs — | a I find that Armstrong is not coaching basketball there the next year. They have a new tian there named Peterson, an ola Utah man. Romey is coaching basketball at Uteh Agricultural Gollege at Logan, so of course that mekes him ‘ gligible, end I find thet he has 4 very large and free acquaintence with the coaches on the goast. Go I believe that will be a happy selection. A\ ‘We will leave E. J, Marti of the University of ilevada, Reno, on the Program coumittee. Yes, Karl Schlademan is coaching varsity basketball at Washington State College, Pullmen Weshington. | { am glad to know that you heve written the four mewbers of the Board of Trustees. 1 ghell be happy to learn what their response is. Bene you get acceptances from each of these Ano ~ ' | have received letters from some coaches now desiring membership. Godfrey, at iinnesota,