This Temple of Basketball will bear the same relationship to the court game as baseball ts Hall of Fame at Cooperstown, New York, bears to the diamond pastime and it will have the same commemorative significance in regard to the founder of the game as the Walter Camp Memorial at New Haven has for the father of the American football. The Temple of Basketball will not only be a permanent monument to Dr. Naismith, but in its Hall of Fame will be perpetuated the names and accomplishments of the game's foremost eiaaeeei past, present and futures Sescskrel and safe-guarded in the Temple of Basketball will be documents, curios, souvenirs, and records of the sporte And enshrined each year in a suitable manner will be the names of the recognized annual All-American basketball teams. The Committee feels that it is fitting that a sport which has captured the imagination of millions of people, young and old, of both sexes, should pay united tribute to the man who was its ponder: The Temple of Basketball will be more than a memorial to Dre Naismiths It will be a permanent monument to the youth of the world, to American idealism, to the joy of sportsmanship, fair play, and a wholesome games A National Jury of qualified leaders in the sport will be appointed to pass judgement on all candidates for the Hall of Fame, and only those worthy of the honor will be nominated for the distinctions Players, past and present, will be given careful consideration. The Hall of Fame committee will set up a list of qualifications which a player must have before he merits primary consideration. No area in the country will be overlooked in determining the names of the men who will be honored annuallye The enviable distinction of winning permanent recognition in basketball by being nominated to the Hall of Fame will prove a strong incentive to the players throughout the country, and will be a boom to the sport. Mythical teams will take a more concrete form when enshrined in the Temple of Basketball and what is now a passing interest, namely, the All-American team will become an important reality each year. The Hall of Fame, a long-hoped for dream of basketball series, will be finally realized, And in it basketball will have a permanent home where the immortals of the game will be forever honored. iMHRAARP HE