as I see it from the far west. Of later years Dr. Haisnith would go Se ee @ few times, but e011 the years of his active life were eat the University ef Kansas. Welter Camp was closely connected with Yale University, and Knute Rockne was closely eonnected with Notre Deme. For years sak aauae Wasa Gad on peueneaE OF te, Dundas ut boeken ellege except es a loyel alummuse I assure you, however, that I shall not say any of these things outside, but I do not believe that you heave a paraliel case. And teo, I want you to know tet there are no “sour grapes” with us at Zenses beaause we are not contempleting a drive of any sort during the second World War, which, it scons, will be of interminable length. With all good wishes, I am td Very cincerely yours, Director of Physical Fdusation end Recreation, POA 340 Versity Basketball and Baseball Coache