| i | | Dr. James Naiemith Dre Jones Natemith, (who 48 years ago gave the game of basket- ‘ball to the world, wrote « book in 1918 that had the title of "The Basis of Clean Living". Those five words characterized the life of the 78-year old professor emeritus of physical education at the University of Kansas, who retired from active teaching duty in 1937 efter 40 years of "building character in the hearts of young nen" __ Sits : a Dre Neismith, who at the age of eight was left an orphan, was born in Altmonte, Canada, on lov. 6, 1861. After making his home with an unele, he went to leGill University in Montreal, Cansda, and — graduated with an A.B. degree in 1887. This was the first of his “three degrees. In 1890 he graduated from Presbyterien College, in ig91 he received his master of physical education degree from YMC \ . College in Springfield, Mass., ani in 1898 he earned his doctor of medicine degree from Colorado University. — 3 Dre Waismith married Miss Maude E. Sherman of Springfield, Wass., in 1894. Three daughters and two sons, ell of whom live in the middlewestern area of the U. 5., were born to the marriage. Mra. Nolemith died in March, 1937. | a Dr. Naismith, also prepared for the ministry, but never, as he 4 said, presehed « sermon in his life. At least, not directly. 4 sermon of clean living was delivered indirectly through teaching a young men to loye clean athletics. Neigher did Dr. Naismith practice | medicine, although he was a member of the Kansas Medics] Association.