BA eA bie —- PERRIN FIELD ARMY AIR FORCES BASIC FLYING SCHOOL OFFICE OF THE PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER sn Die i j : SHERMAN, TEXAS see, last time I had 10 days, and as we were entitled to-’15, and Since it seems awhile yet before we will be shipped to SAACC for pre-flight, they are giving us the full time allowed. But I won't be able to make it to Lawrence this time, of course, with the limited time given. in your last fine letter you requested I give you my Mother and my sister's address. It is: Mrs. Alice and Miss Grayce Bock, Macksville, Kansas, I, and I'm sure they, would appreciate very much your writing them. The 27 3rd and 4th grade pupils are bringing Mother candy and apples everyday and demanding she teach again next year, so she's apparently doing all right&. Grayce just brought home the finest report card ever as her first six weeks average was between B/ and A-x. , I was shocked to hear Bob Elbel, one of my closest KU friends, met such terrible misfortune. Scull fractures are so dangerous and t am anxious to hear any news. I wrote my Aunts at Hutchinson to find out his condition, if possible, and I will also write to Maje and Mrs. Eibel. I had planned, when I ship to SAACC, to go to Randolph Field and visit the Major some off duty day. I am working in the Public Relations Office and writing for the Perrin Field newspaper, The Perrin Pilot. I will enclose a copy. The co-editor, Sgt. Max Stokesbury, is from Harold Keith's home town, Lambert, Oklahoma. I met Max at basketball practice and from our association he urged me to quit my supply job to work for the paper. It is splendid that I have the opportunity to work at the job I intend to follow. in later life, Back to basketball, the Perrin coach is a Dago (nice fellow) named Defullio, from East Stroudbugg Teachers College (ever hear of it) Pennsylvania. He really goes in for the fast break. What I like, we scrimmage long every night, and that is the only way I can get in condition and develop the required stamina for the games I was not present at the KU-Tulsa game for I could not get a pass that daye..Do you think the KSHSAA will ever take up the Texas (and other states) system of districting the state high school teams, the winners entering play-offs, and getting it dow to a final state championship? Well, Tuesday night's radio listening should be the most exciting ever for me unless the New Deal-PAC machine has the great power I suspect it to have, but sincerely hope it has lost. Most Very Sincerely Yours, 4 i f/f f heat af : * Ae ae : Of eee OF Ue a 9 i gy pa wo ad on had ™ Mee BOB BOCK