// FATHER OF BASKETBALL DIBS I’ KANSAS HOME ‘ On Novenber 28, 1939, Dre Janes laismith, the inventor of Basketball, died et his hone in this quiet college tom. He suffered a critical hemorrhage on November 19, but rallied and returned to his hone» from the hospital after four dayse ‘Two days later he ws stricken with a heart attack which resulted in his death. oo Dr. Naismith, who nearly fifty years ago gave the game of basketball to the world, was born in Altmonte, Canada, on lovember 6, 1861. Left an orphan at the age of eight, he mde his hme with Peter Naismith, a techelor uncle. He attended MoG411 University in llontreal, — Canada, end graduated with an Ae Be degree in 1887. This was the first of his three degrees. Im 1890 he graduated from Presbyterian College, in 1891 he received his master of physical ehenth en degree from YollsCehe College, Springfield, Masse, and in 1898 he camnod his doctor of medicine degree fron ‘the University of Colorados | Dire Naienith married Miss Maude Be Sherman in Springfield, Masse, in 1894, Three Sere and two sons, all of whom live in the middle vostena ares: of-the-tnibed-seates, were born to this marriages irs. Naianith died in March, 1987. Four positions in physical education occupied Dre Nadenith's career. Fron 1887 to 1890 he was director at McGill University, and from 1890 to 1895 he directed the work at Springfield College, and fran 1895 to 1998 he was director at the Denver Y.ll.CoA. while studying medicine. “In 1898 he cane to the University of Kansas where he served for forty YOArE«