Voiee a + Sat he Gfdn‘t leave inmeaiately, 4 Teeulty member tall | hin into etaying another year, ond he graduated from Nee @411 in 1607 wi ao Sate Comets che eame year thet he grotaunte’, he was Sy Hesse’ os Givegien Of phyetont eduaation. Howe's how he got his firat jobs Yoigo & « ime evening a upperelecesen eame te ny room to crit See but T degided there sat be vone*hing 0 their alvioes = Fi mln ie oll Hy the cars nih SISgE tt sented ip rent ete Fe Seog Le Rie cok coasts oor ee Wotan 2 mec aieoo, bgt fn Shwe oar 120 te 100, sn ‘Jone friend ana achieve tf football, goacn Yatemith was on “he etaff of the Spr ect fegee hee im 2581 oane the invention of the gann oe an tau happened this vars er tm thet Lights S cneh Sonthekis Seaieamenreeely Zamrentes « a Yotee 2 « the inventor, ot that tine 20 veare old, was 80 sure thet the came would be successful, Se dan a tbeks canteen shen he introduced it %¢ his elavgs fe @aids VYoieo 2 # "Just snother game" wae the firet exelemation when *he 16 | golligking sevretariee«-to-be eane infor their exerelet, Dut I divided the oquady maned off the — amt etarted the come. I toakt . tas wes born the gene of basketball vhich toler ie slaved, | mutters eg, by 2 million | in (0 mations, Shen ay Seary nae Radon s a vie jn i aioe teat ries | ke ot Hae, ones rear be Brant thet Bis