Mr. A. Jo Lewandowski, Basketball Coach, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Febraska. Dear Lew: ek pet tee yoy See ae ee ee Sate I just want to repeat, Lew, that our boy, Sparky NoSpadden, missed his No. 8 sweat jacked when we went back to the dressing room. We looked everywhere for it. Then I went to Mr. John Selleck and asked him to snap on the lights in the Céliseum end we all instituted a search for it. I em absolutely certain thet it was not in the building et that tine. Regardless of the honesty of this boy Schrader the — jacket couldn't have been foundtin the dressing room. I am giving you my ow definite conviction that some smart-alesk pulled it out from umier our chairs, and then after he got it, it was too hot. He may have turued it over to the boy who returned it to us. It was an impossible situation. I don't want to complain, but wanted to explain. : I made this suggestion which I think should go for all Big Six coaches - that hereafter the Big Six coaches of the respective schools losate their letter-men behind the visitors bench and not permit any spectators there other than letter- men. In thet way the letter-men, kmowing how to treat thé — visitors, will give the visitors the just treatment that they should havee