Auguet 9, 1940 Dre Forrest Ce Allene, | Director of Physics) fdueations, University of Kensoes Lawrenee, Kansas Deer Dre Allen: Thank you for your splendid letter of August Srd. Yes, your: old friend, ‘Dpielk Young fie etill here. io is sporte editor of the loeal paper, end does quite ® bit of servies es e sport's official. Me tells ne _ that in years past he hos worked some of the nese Missouri games o Mp, Young 1s one of theses with whan I hove ve talked on the subject. Me feels thet it is entirely possible, & worthy undertakings He tells me thet he ean be qounted on for any publicity or service thet he can render. lire Young has quite « file on Dre leiemith énd the evolution oft basketball, and gives talks on the subject. i have been gone much of the week, and will be in Chieage & good portion of the coming week. Uowever by the ond of that time I will have on opportunity te write you more 4 fully on my ideasund sugsestions, far your goneideretion. 5 i My wife worked as ® sesretary to « Beker feculty man, who was seeretery to the Kensas Géenference while she was in eehool. She handled the cligibility lietsof players in Kenses Conference scheele, and says that she reeslis the ploture of the teem you eeached theres. While in school one sumer at Emporia, I oust with en oxeKele player, and I believe eaptaine-ferbert "Beoop" Oleone He wes assistant eity enginser, and we were at the YelleCeAe for the summers I believe he married thet fall, but < do not mow where he fe nowe . If he is in town, I hope to get the opinion of Duteh Lonberg while in Chieage next week. Sineerely, Ge Pe Aloette, 1206 &. Jofferson Ste, Booningten, ilLinoise