W\ : amunery 350, 1940. Mre Je Ee Neiemith, — . 1347 “infield Street, Tonela, ansace Dear Jacks , I an wetting you et your request to give you the ins formation concerning the set-tip of the National Collegiate Ath= letic Association and the so-called Intercollegiate Sasketbell Championship tournament of the United States. The Netional Collegiate organiztion is an organization of colleges of the United States. ‘The tational Collegiete publishes the Yeti onal Basketball Guide in conjunction with the Netional High School Federation, the Young Men's Christian Association, and the Canadian Associations This National Collegiate organization derives its powers from the presidents of the wiversities, and they delegate their powers to the faculty representatives who mike the lews for the Association. The faculty representatives enpower the ethletic directors and coaches with authority to serve on the National Collegiate camittees, such as the Rules Comittee, end so forthe The National Collegiate has as honorary meabers for life your father, De. Jemes Naismith, chairmen, Le We Ste John of Ohio State University, Ralph Morgan, As B. Metzdorf, and George Te Hepbron, two of Dre laismith's Somer friends and acquaintances. | I em enclosing a copy of the letterhead of the National iepheined’s Comebten at the ated Staten and Conntn. Your father's nene does re ee ee active menbers' names appear but in the Basketball Rules Guide following the National Colle te Athletic Association sete up your father's name does appear along with the other Netional Collegiate menbers. in the front pages of Spalding'’s Guide are the names and on the followlng pages are the photographs of the honorary life menberse I am sending you also a letterhead of the lietional Assosiation of Basketball Coaches in which your father's name appears as the honorary presidente | low for the National Intercollegiate Basketball chempion tournament of the United States. There is no organization of faculty representatives, and lr. =. Be Liston is the acting executive secretary of the National Association of Intercollegiate Baskettel i. ec ee