\ o2e A. Neismith Memorial Trophy". ‘I called your attention to fact that these were printed in October long before Dre Naismith's and no authority was given by Dre Naismith or by his fanily nenorial trophy. The trophy that See on nee “Maude Naiguith Trophy". I am’ sending you thig announcenent tho rather ircegular end metidoal mamer of printing swh @ ol iy i deuitinn te savenannainiion tint emtinns I am of the y deSinite opinion that the Netional Association of Basketball Selales Geer capcaaapes cadd te toe saat ot piel cities { uu 8 if He Ha ef = ¢ ef f EE & a Basketbell Coaches, asking them if they would be willing to do the thing that’ T have just nentioneds Sinoé Dr, Miismith has been long associated as an officer end honorary presidet of these organi za- tions, aud since he has given this "Maude Naienith Tropty" to the organi zation other than the directors of athletios in aul colleges, I om setting forth tho difference betwoon the two organizations and asiing you if you eare to have me do this particular things I think it would be netessary for the Naismith family to wrote to lr. Liston as acting exccutive secretary of the National Association of ee eat Rasketball, at Baldwin, Kensas, and state to him thet your feu ly deplores the action of his group by the James A, Naismith Menorial Trophy without the consent of the femily. Further thet you wish eaphetically that the National Intereollegiate Basketball Championship Tournament Committee, and lire Liston as acting executive secretary, do not offer any trophy which is represented os the James A, Maismith Memorial Trophy, or any : basketballs or emblems with the Naismith neme comected with it or theme Further, I would ask for a reply to wy letter, and say in addition that your family wul d want to have an explanation of why Sida Steir Gf comoinding tn dnedee usa without pendesion having been granted had been done. . "If I have not eqlained this fly to you T will be glad to have you write me at length, but I trust I have made the differ. re ae ae i ee ee so that you may see Mrs, Neismith and you two in — ' 2 necessary letter that you desires, Very sincerely yours, a ¢ A. : | otrootar of Hhysioal Bduoation end Roorestion, FCA sAH | Varsity Basketball Coaches