Lawrence, Kansas February 23, 1940. Dre Forrest Ce Allen, Varsity Basketball Coach, University of Kansas. Dear Doctor allen: It is the wish of the Naismith family that the National Association of Basketball Coaches of the United States be permitted to purchase and offer the Dre James Naismith Memorial Basketball Trophy to the championship winner of the National Collegiate athletic Association tournament which will be held annually in some city of the United Statese It is wnderstood that the entire control of this basketball champion- ship tournament will be under the National Collegiate Athletic Association and its officers. No other Dr. James Naismith Memorial Basketball Trophy is to be offered to any organization other than the National Collegiate Athletic association. We deeply revere his beloved memory and we are happy to have this contribution made so that his life and personality will ever be before the youth of the world. Very cordially yours, Mat Gus Paes Executt#ix of the James Naismith Estate