{ duly 22, 1946 Mire Bd be Novotny, Superintendent of Public Schools ‘Beatrice, Nebraska Dear Mr. Novotny: Congratulations on your new jo» here, or possibly I should say Lawrence is to be congratulated on getting you. Anyhow, I want to welcome you to Lawrences Mrss Shenk and I are looking forward to renewing our friendship | started back in Junction City. I am sure that you will find Lawrence a pleasant place in which to live and worke ‘The people are friendly and I am certain that . you “ah have no difficulty in doing a fine Jobs ; I have: & boy, John, who will be in the second qvaie aint year end another son, Bob, who is three years old. We are very anxious to see you again and wish you every success as superintendent of the Lawrence schoolse Very sincerely yours, Henry Ae Shenk, Chairman of the - | HAS sMF | Department of Physical Education. July 20, 1946 Mre ‘Be Le ue. Supertntendant, Publie Schools - Beatrice, aernane Dear Superintendent evetmys Asa ‘fellow Rotarian and a taller Methodist. I wish to welcome you — to acndaaie Kanease I understand that you took your first work at Midland College, and then at Nebraska Wesleyan, and finally at the University of _ Nebraskas At all three of these schools I have had some very pleasant rela=. tions, John Pfitsch, who took his masters degree at our institution, is the ; ‘new Athletic Director and Coach for the coming year at Midland College, Fremont, — Nebraska. Johnny was a Texas boy and the son of a physician who on account of a physical impediment was turned dow by the Officers’ Gandidate Schoole However, . he enlisted as a buck private and came out a captain under Blood and Guts oe Patton in their lightning advances through France and Germanye He has a great personality and will make a great coach up there. He assisted me last year here in —— ‘end yaysteni education and did a haneeey job. Years. ol years ago i refereed a game for Nebraska Wesleyan and since | 1919 I have been coaching teams and have been visiting Lincoln annually for some pretty warm contests, In 1920 I coached the Kansas football team which tied Nebraska in a thrilling 20 to 20 game here in Lawrences Da was when , Coach "Indian" Schulte coached the Cornhuskers. | See Say heilo to Dutoh hitte. We weicome you ‘S Lawrences Sincerely yours, Forrest C, Allen _ | | ae: Past Governor of — — * PCAMP eee . - R, I, District #123 June 5, 1946 seas \ 7 Mr. George sisteiiote Merriam, Bllis & Benton, lease 607 Minnesota Avenue Kansas City, Kansas — Dear George: ’ T am happy that Bob Tinklepaugh got straightened up in good shape, It. is always a ieeemiay for me to do anything I ean for my oe I will bet When Tommy, Mitt, and you got. together there will be one real bull session. ee Sincerely yours, oe Director of Physical Education, FOA:MF | Varsity Baskétball Coach. e CASH CAPITAL $6,000,000.00 INCORPORATED 1854. \ ‘i. ‘he (acenix |NsuRaNce: (GMPANTY, or HARTFORD, Conn. , MERRIAM, ELLIS & BENTON, Agents 607 Minnesota Avenue KANSAS CITY, KANSAS Telephone: 34 West Yn 7Z9H6. \ Cana ae ie ~~ thawte b tint he ties OO fpeto™ of a Te a Wow, Febeat Ar hicfesere . | ce auadta = 7 ae t Lh ee ed Qowwrd? x ks ay Oe March 20, 1946 Dr. De Me. Nigro Suite 512 Argyle Building Kansas City 6, Missouri Desr Dr. Nigro: ; Thanks for the carbon copy of the letter sent to Coach Ed Krause, ~ we Dan Partner asked if we would be willing to meet Notre Dame in the hall if he could arrange it. I told him that we would be happy to entertain the idea. We are playing Oklahoma A & M in the hall next December 20. Kurland was just too tall for us and there ‘is no wey to meet him successfully under the rules of the game as they now are. | oe Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:MF Varsity Basketball Coach. Dr. D. M. NicRo e ‘SUITE 512 ARGYLE BUILDING | KANSAS CITY, MO. March 19th, 1946. Geach 54 Seite Athletie Depertment, University of Notre rte ei Dome, Infiana.e Doar Bas ‘ On Friday and Saturday, March 22nd and 2rd, the National Collegiate athletic Aggociation basketbell — tournement is being held in the municipal Auditor ium here in Kenge Citys. ne you come down for this event. It would give you © good opportunity to see our auditorium and set-up, 8s we sould &lso like to eve Rotre Tame have one of their beaks thet games here this coming your. se it would be @ sellout and « financiel success cate ehh nieces. vieinity for som tiue end the Kansas City Notre Dane ‘@lwunl an@ their frien’s are very. enxious to have 6 ‘game, here et your conveniance. a Leng forme 86 welNe 7 en ata perannt rem Sincerely — Decerber 5, 1945 Prof. C. FP. Nelson Campus Dear Ce Fes Thank you, six fér sending me the reports of your bond purchase. I appreciate your prompt response. Sincerely, ‘Director 6f Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. December 4, 1945 Lawrence National Bank Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sirs; I should like to purchase five- $100.00 bonds made out to CG. F. Nelson or Hearty B. Nelson, 625 W. 16th St., Lawrence, Kansas, two-$100.00 bonds — made out to Carl S. Nelson or Hearty B. Nelson, and one-$50.00 bond made out to Carl S. Nelson or Hearty B. I am enclosing a check for $562.50 to cover cost. Please hold them for me until I call for them, Sincerely yours, C. F. Nelson. CIN:1s Dear Phog: I am enclosing a copy of a letter sent to the Lawrence National Bank con- cerning purchase of bonds. If you need _ any more data for your records, please let me know. Cc. F. N. JOHN ANTONELLO, Mer. OccWesita and Concert Division JAMES H. NIXON Mer. Dramatic and Musical Shows Division i)}— éXulonel PRESENTATI Kansas City 6, Mo. Nev. 19, 1945 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, Dear Dec: Thanks a millien, but since writing yeu have secured seme good seats here and am new in geod shape. I get these at the ball park and they are net bad. Once again, let me thank yeu fer your efforts in my behalf and want yeu te knew I appreciate it very mach. Hepe te see yeu seen, Kindest regards, James H. Nixen OFLELGANG EME: EINES T JN LPHE ENTER TALN MENT wOkt dD 2") |PRESENTATIONS| 206 WEST 13th STREET G PHONE VICTOR 6010-11 Mr. James He Nixon, Antonello & Nixon, 206 West 13th St., Kensas Gity 6, Mo. ‘Dear Jimmies November 16, 1945, Gosh, you hit me right in the middle, Jimmie. On the square, there isn't a ticket in the office except some in the end gone and they are $1.60 tickets. And you know, Jimmie, I will buy the tiskets for you if you want these $1.60 ones, but frankly, Earl Falkenstien hasn't a thing and thers are darned few of these $1.60 tickets. I had him lay six aside for you, and nothing would give me more pleasure than personally buying them for you. I | say this because I want you to know that I think that much of you as a friend. But they are darned rotten seats, I imgine, There are no good seats in the Ruppert Stadium. farl would give you these tickets if there was a way out for him, but with the set up he can't do that. Let m know right away, Jimsie, and I will get then to you if you want these end zone seats. FCA:AH Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. - JOHN: UANTONELLO.° der: Orchestra and -Goncert: Division JAMES H. NIXON Afgr. Dramatic and Musical Shows Division | | — ¢Xulonellas & Nixon et Z PRESENTATIONS 206° WEST “13th “STREET Yi Ne eat aaeerena nabaaeansaat ae etoran aed PHONE VICTOR 6010-11 Kansas City 6, Mo. Nov. 13, 1945 Dr. Forrest ©. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas ° Dear Doc: Once again, I am on tap with ~ requeste Must have six tickets for the nsas-Missouri game and if you will let me know the price then will forward on my check. Also understand you will have the greatest basket- ball team im America this year. The grapevine in- forms me that you have the talent on hand and God knows the coathing wial be the best, so with me on the sidelines there is no question regarding the brilliant outlook. Guess I will just parlay K Us for wins throughout the seasone I wrote Harl Falkenstein for some tickets but he was entirely out. I thought you might be able to take care of me personally for my wife and family on these six tickets. Kindest regards. Looking for- ward to sceing you in the near future. bneerely, James H. Nixon PTIPCRING THE FINEST IN THE ENTERTAINMENT WORE GS AMERICA’S PIONEER DEFENSE ORGANIZATION = NAVY LEAGUE OF THE UNITED STATES (INCORPORATED 1903) “THE CIVILIAN ARM OF THE NAVY” WASHINGTON, D. C. HARRY DARBY VICE-PRESIDENT AND DIRECTOR e KANSAS CITY 15, KANSAS November cS, 1945 . ae SSO OSOCS = ze PLEASE REPLY TO: a F. L. SCHLAGLE CHAIRMAN FOR NAVY DAY Smears OCTOBER 27, 1945 ; Dr. F. C. Allen : University of Kansas . Lawrence, Kansas : Dear Dr. Allen: i From many sources, I have heard that Navy Day, 1945, | ranks with the best that Kansas has ever observed, and I want . to express my sincere thanks for the time and effort you ‘| spent in making it the success that it was. The Classifica- tion Clubs played a vital role in insuring that proper tribute ‘ was paid to the men of our Navy. 2 The Navy should receive, at the earliest possible : date, a full report of the activities within our state, and : I would appreciate receiving a detailed report in duplicate, & from you at your earliest convenience, together with two : copies of all printed material, programs, etc., that made up your program. Thanking you ‘again for your fine cooperation, I am £ Yours very truly, ; Navy Web tn ala : for the State of Kansas 4 S:8 é eas SAR =f “IF YOU CAN'T JOIN THE NAVY, JOIN THE NAVY LEAGUE” FTE PR RR TRE ESTE PPT TOT 2 re Stee a TF FR ESTEE Si TTS TY SP SIRENS Stans LPAI STRSTR ES AION PW ERO NAD 7 f NORTHERN ILLINOIS COLLEGE OF OPTOMETRY BEEXREL BOULEVARD AT FORTY-SECOND PLACE CHICAGO 15, ILL. Sept. 25, 1945. Dr. F. 0. Allen, % University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. My dear Dr. Allen: Just a note to thank you for sending me the latest copy of your publication. Youtre doing a great job on this and I enjoy reading it almost as much as if I were an alumnus. These are busy deys with us as I know they are with you. Hub is doing a fine job in his new position as Registrar. The only trouble is that he has no time for play. Looking forward to the next mailing, I am Sincerely , JM | Mdlite President