Mr. James He Nixon, Antonello & Nixon, 206 West 13th St., Kensas Gity 6, Mo. ‘Dear Jimmies November 16, 1945, Gosh, you hit me right in the middle, Jimmie. On the square, there isn't a ticket in the office except some in the end gone and they are $1.60 tickets. And you know, Jimmie, I will buy the tiskets for you if you want these $1.60 ones, but frankly, Earl Falkenstien hasn't a thing and thers are darned few of these $1.60 tickets. I had him lay six aside for you, and nothing would give me more pleasure than personally buying them for you. I | say this because I want you to know that I think that much of you as a friend. But they are darned rotten seats, I imgine, There are no good seats in the Ruppert Stadium. farl would give you these tickets if there was a way out for him, but with the set up he can't do that. Let m know right away, Jimsie, and I will get then to you if you want these end zone seats. FCA:AH Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. -