FTE PR RR TRE ESTE PPT TOT 2 re Stee a TF FR ESTEE Si TTS TY SP SIRENS Stans LPAI STRSTR ES AION PW ERO NAD 7 f NORTHERN ILLINOIS COLLEGE OF OPTOMETRY BEEXREL BOULEVARD AT FORTY-SECOND PLACE CHICAGO 15, ILL. Sept. 25, 1945. Dr. F. 0. Allen, % University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. My dear Dr. Allen: Just a note to thank you for sending me the latest copy of your publication. Youtre doing a great job on this and I enjoy reading it almost as much as if I were an alumnus. These are busy deys with us as I know they are with you. Hub is doing a fine job in his new position as Registrar. The only trouble is that he has no time for play. Looking forward to the next mailing, I am Sincerely , JM | Mdlite President