March 17, 1945. Dear Mr. Newlin: I feel quite ashamed of myself in not answering your le sooner. The fact of the mtter is that I had your letter on k ing that I would answer it immediately. But actually it got covered up in a mass of correspondence, and just this morning when I was trying to clear my desk I ren across it. I am sorry that basketball season is over and I have not been able to help you. The fact that you are a Kansas boy would oause me to. have activated myself in your behalf had I had one been covered up in war work, in addition to my coac fered with my answering your good letter. i? you are still interested in basketball I would suggest that you go to any high school library arownd Newport, R. I., and I am sure that you will find either "My Basketball Bible", or a book that I wrote later, “Better Basketball”. It is pretty difficult for me to write something out that would be helpful to you because there are so many angles to this indoor | sport. ef B : E Dr. Naismith, the originator of the game of basketball, once said, "Basketball is a game easy to play but diffialt to master." If there are any specific questions that you want to ask me © if you will write them out I will be very happy to answer them for you. Agein regretting that I failed to five you the service that you desired, I am Very sinodrely yours, ANTI - AIRCRAFT TRAINING CENTER PRICE’S NECK, NEWPORT, R. I. 31 January 1945 Dear Mr. Allen I am writing to you in hopes of obtaining some modern methods in the training of young basket-ball players. I am basket-ball ceach at this station and it has been some time since I was active in the sporte I have a fine group of men here who are particularly interested in basket-ball, a few of them have played a little college ball but mostly my squad is made up of high school players. The league is made up of service teams and we have more than an even chance to make a fine showing providing I can supply them with the necessary plays and a well rounded conditioning program, I know that you are more than busy and I hesitated to call upon you for help but being a Sarees boy and receiving my education in that State, I decided that I should write to you and ask for this favor. If you have the time to help us I'm sure the boys at this station will be more than grateful. Sincerely yours. Org On Rte Maurice M. Newlin Sp(A)lc, U.S.N. A.A.T.C. Prices Neck, Rhode Isl. February 26, 1945. Mr. Andy Nursici, : Raytown High School, Raytown, Missouri. _ Dear Andy: I am glad to receive your letter of the 16th instant, and am pleased beyond measure that you are viewing your wale interests from a long range benefit. What does the young mn desire to study? Why don't you have @ conference with him, and as he expresses his ideas as to his future course after the war, endeavor to guide and direct him in his course? A young boy always has the athletic ry over~evaluated, and unless some coach or someone the boy has confidence in gives him some advice, ‘the we is apt to be misguided. ' : If I ean be of any service to ™ and to him in this guidance, it will be a pleasure. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. RAYTOWN HIGH SCHOOL ya eS ANDY NURSK! , Mr. Andy Nurski, Consolidated School District Ho. } Ray tow, Missouri. Dear Coash Nurski: I iow that you ware prompted by the Sioa tr thes Mee bois Dat wit, 8 m Sete. OOS education is the first Se a a mebiged a a otha in atk Sudemaaebel = I am sorry that you have Hendrix. ie men, wittes Aiien, candi Wa Bedell tkione, spoke to me about your fine outfit. T have nevar axtated Site otmgwtthten with sther concise besause there are too many buying them on the hoof. I trust that you will consider this in the light that it is written, but I believe you are making a terrible mistake in trying to comercialize the boy's interests. I have always told every boy, "You may have work comendurate with your desires and ability. , Very sincerely yours, A. D, FULLERTON: L High School Principal Sec’y Boar ALBERT D. OETTING, Supt. Raytown Missouri te Dear Coach: Ihave one senior on my present basket ball team that has an unusual record so far; his record is as follows: Bob Hendrix 1927 7 ame te Sie c= ES} Ase Height 6', Weight 147 lbs., average scholastic record for four years 1a position forward & center (Captain). Number of games played 21. Points scored this season to~ — date 510. Average number of points per game 14.7 « General Comments ;- This boy has been selected on every star team that is possible to make in this section of the coun A very good ball handler # a rebound man - faker and post iat. His only love in athletics is basket ball - would make a fine addition to any collége basket ball team, Would you be interested in this boy? If so what could you” do for him? If you need added information about this boy I Hoping, to hear from you in - N would be more than glad to oblige. the near future, I am, sneer? yours, 4 Andy Nurski (Phy, Ed, Instructor) TELEPHONE CIRCLE 6-6600 CABLE ADDRESS “PICCADILLY NEW YORK” tN ee { A 4 \ ws sage ) ees . \ 4 & : ™ a5 see yo ( Lt FAG os 2 ve E ) | Mw we aR Tw wl ao wa Del | Sym aan nm a wy = 7 m1 mm it RA ee oe AT BROADWAY New YoRK a oe a 4 Rov MOULTON fie 4 a MANAGER February 9, 1945. Sgt. Ray G. Noble, 57511274, Finance Office, APO 832, of oP is Hew Orleans, Lae. —~ Dear Ruy: Iwas delighted to hear from you and te know that you are getting - along se well. tos ake ee trust the break will cowe in your favor very, very so0te © _ We are leaving tenight for Lincoln, Nebraska, to play the Corn- huskers. We are tied for first place with Oklahoma, each having won four and lost one. tie dost au overtine game by one point to the Sconers at Norwan. The schedule is a part of the Jayhawk Rebounds, so you will find the date. Keitsas State is playing Oklahoma at Norman, and Missouri is play- ing Iowa Stats at Ames on the 10th. We are hoping that we will meet the Seoners here next Tuesday night to decide, temporarily, at least, first place. de have a battling bunch of boys, but they are not like the 'S5 tean, I anmare you. ised achitces yan all wane nas Ak a is ek: ia, and froa time to time you will get informmtion regarding your old buddies. Fred Pralle is with the Phillips Petroleum Company and still playing on their basketball tem. He is still the same old Freddy. He was by a couple of weeks age for me to fix up a wounded imee, but is now on the mend. : 0 MR ten ik OE Me me hee ae em furlough. 5 With all. geod wishes, and assuring you that we inti need Sen sene fondness for you and yours, I an 8 Sincerely yours, | _‘Direeter of Physical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. ty [monn cece fempea2 Pe et be Sag ee — had fy) : auttdingd ad LL—PN.- de ee. Rg ge oo 2 ee af ETON Me bee eae SS te og, oe AL hu Lag, “Let Ah Leola a January 31, 1945. Ens. and Urs. Le Noble, 525 Ne Park, Shawnee, Oklahoma. Deat Betty and Loyd: We had a killer-diller game with Kansas State last night, and had the customers swooning in the aisles. We were behind until the last two minutes, then pulled forward to win by three — points. It was just about like our game with Oklahoma. Of course, the boys are just kids and don‘t imow how to use their heads. A fellow like Himes is older and can steady then, but we have nobody like that to use for a general. Anyhow, we © are having a let of fun. , ! it was good to see you, and I am sorry ow visit was of With all good wishes, I an \ Sincerely yours, : Director of Physical Rducation, - PCA:AH 3 Varsity Basketball coach. ee Epwarp J. Hickox W. H. Browne MarsHA.t DIEBOLD Va. LENTZ President First Vice-President Second Vice-President Third Vice-President Howarp A. Hosson, Secretary-Treasurer WILLIAM CHANDLER, Bulletin Editor SSIS aN ed Ree a INT E NATIONAL BK ‘ : ae ASSOCIATION OF BAi OF THE UNTE Qe ARCA Sp etee! ~~ aO 6.0 ¢ fee 8 etre Oo 0 ti, 0% 78 January 24, 1945 Dear Coach: The United States Government has asked the Coaches Associa-~ tion to call off its planned Conference for March, 1945... This is because the attendance last year was above the fifty member limit now allowed, We are, however, allowed such a conference as we had in March, 1943, when the Executive Committee met and invited in for one session all those Association members who were already in New York attending the Basketball tournaments. Following this enlarged meeting, the Committee went into executive session for the comple- tion of the necessary business and for formal vote on recommenda- tions to, the National. Rules group. The National Invitation tournament together with NCAA Easterns and NCAA finals will be held in New York on March 17=27 approxi- mately. yee In September, we sent out 450 return postal cards to colleges and universities asking the whereabouts of the pre-war coach, the name of the present coach and whether the team would be made up of Civilian or service students or both. 89% of those replying said there would be @ team. Of those schools not planning a team, 25% later decided to have teams--you can't keep a good game down! The Metropolitan Intercollegiate Basketball committee of NYC has made a gift of $500 to the National Coaches Association. Ned irish has matched this with another $ the Association from the Garden Corporation. There are no strings to these gifts but the suggestion was made that we revive some medium of information such as the bulletin or a news letter for the Association. These financial aids to the Association treasury are particularly impor- tant at this time when our income from membership dues is prac- tically nil... Our heartiest. thanks to these donors and our assur- ances that the money will be used in ways worthwhile to the game of basketball. Shortly, you will receive the report of the 1944 meetings. OFFICERS Epwarp J. Hickox, President Springfield College, Springfield, Massachusetts W. H. Browns, First Vice-President University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska MarsHatu DIEzOLp, Second Vice-President Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota Va. Lentz, Third Vice-President United States Military Academy, West Point, New York Howarp Hosrson, Secretary-Treasurer University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon WILLIAM CHANDLER, Bulletin Editor Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin BOARD OF DIRECTORS E. A. Kettener, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, New York Everett Dean, Stanford University, Stanford University, California Forrest Cox, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado Bair GULLION, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York Herpert W. Reap, Western Michigan College, Kalamazoo, Michigan EDITORIAL STAFF WILLIAM CHANDLER, Editor-in-Chief Dist. 1: Frank Keaney, Rhode Island State College Dist. 2: Joe Lapchick, St. John’s University. _ Roy M. Hawley, West Virginia University Dist: 3: William Lange, North Carolina University. John Burr, Howard University Dist.4: Doug Mills, University of Illinois B. F. Van Alstyne, Michigan State College 5: George Edwards, University of Missouri - Edgar S. Hickey, Creighton University Dist. 6: Buster Brannon, Rice Institute Dist. 7:. Vadal Peterson, University of Utah Dist. 8: A. ‘T. Gill, Oregon State College MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE S. Epmunpson, University of Washington, Chairman. Cc Dist. 1: Edward C. Roundy, Colby College 2 3 Dist. Dist.2: William J. Ferguson, St. Joseph’s College (Pa.) Dist.3: H. G. Crisp, University of Alabama William Lange, University of North Carolina : Lloyd Brazil, Detroit University i W.. Rip Van Winkel, Miami University. . Dist. 5: A. E. Haylett, Doane College ~~ Dist. Jack Gray, University of Texas Dist. 7: Forrest Cox, University of Colorado BASKETBALL RULES COMMITTEE Jj. D. Lawruer, Pennsylvania State College, Chairman Dist.1: Don White, University of Connecticut Ray Oosting, Trinity College Dist.2: Howard Cann, New York University Josh Cody, Temple University Dist. 3: John Mauer, University of ‘Tennessee Roy Mundorff, Georgia Tech. Dist. 4: Burl Friddle, Toledo University Paul D. Hinkle, Butler University A. J. Robertson, Bradley ‘Tech. B. F. Van. Alstyne, Michigan State College Dist. aS Nn, Dist. 5: A. J. McDonald, So. W. Mo. State Teachers College Dist. 6: Harry Rabenhorst, Louisiana State University Dist. 7: Vadal Peterson, University of Utah Dist. 8: J. Alfred Cox, Oregon College of Education — C. M. Price, University of California ; AT LARGE Nat Holman, City College of New York Ward Lambert, Purdue University ; _ Herbert W. Read, Western Michigan College CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Epwarb A. KeLLener, U. S. Military Academy, Chairman Nat Holman, City College of New York Ned Irish, Madison Square Garden AccGs Lonborg, Northwestern, University RESEARCH COMMITTEE Bruce Drake, Oklahoma University, Chairman John.B..Friel, Washington State College Frank Keaney, Rhode Island State College __ A. J. Lewandowski, University of Nebraska A. J. McDonald, So. W. Mo. State Teachers College Herbert W. Read, Western Michigan College Allie Seelbach, Canisius College William Ackman, Concordia College VISUAL INTERPRETATION COMMITTEE Harotp E. Foster, University of Wisconsin, Chairman Everett Dean, Stanford University '._H. A. Hobson, University of Oregon _Joe Lapchick, St. John’s University William Lange, North Carolina University - J. Trautwein, Ohio University HIGH: SCHOOL COMMITTEE : JouN Jacosi, North High, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Chairman F, Roy Nuttal, Columbia High, South Orange, New Jersey _Reave Peters, Northeast High, Kansas-City, Missouri I. J. Dickstein, J; Monroe High, New York City Harry Rice, Fargo High, Fargo, North Dakota Robert S. Gibb, Crete High, Crete, Nebraska. COACHING ETHICS COMMITTEE Don White, University of Connecticut, Chairman H. W. Anderson, Bowling Green State University E. M. ‘Brown, Dartmouth College N..H. Ertell, Wayne University A. J. Lewandowski, University of Nebraska Jack Orsley, Loyola University (New Orleans) Tom Scott, Warrensburg Teachers College OFFICIALS COMMITTEE ADOLPH Rupp, University of Kentucky, Chairman Louis A. Alexander, Rochester University Henry Iba,.Oklahoma A and.M~ E; S. Liston, Baker University. H. Lee Prather, Louisiana State Normal College C. M. Price, University of California C, M. Reiley, St. Bonaventure~ - TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE) — Haro_p G. OLson, Ohio State University, Chairman J _.. PRESS COMMITTEE ! Hz C..Carison, University. of Pittsburgh, Chairman Lew Andreas, Syracuse University. “Nat Holman, -City College of New York Karl Lawrence, Colgate University A. C. Lonberg, Northwestern University N. W. Shepard, Davidson College * CONVENTION DISPLAYS COMMITTEE ELMER RIPLEY, Columbia University, Chairman —~2~ Before March 15, you will receive the printed report of a careful and valuable study in the measurement of physical output in basketball practice, - ; If your membership card does not read “For the Duration", then you owe at least $2.00, Please. send the check payable to the Association with your reply sheet and get the Duration card. Several of our members have become authors or co-authors during the past year. If you know of one, write in about him for the April bulletin. ; Chances seem very good that any member from college ranks (who has business in New York at the time of the tournaments and /” the Executive meeting) can count on getting tickets for the games, The committees in charge really want us there. If you plan to be there, notify Ed Hickox plenty early as to exact dates and as to your desires. Another announcement will reach you before tournament time. telling you what the Executive Committee plans on the basis of your replies to the questions on the return sheet. Several of our members who were in service have been dis- charged. Several others have recently been taken into service. Oswald Tower has written to us the following letter: "May I convey through you to the National Associstion of College Basketball Coaches my deep appreciation of the honor they conferred | upon me through the award of the Metropolitan Intercollegiate Basketball Committee's basket- ball trophy. That the Coaches Association, composed as it is of the leaders in the field of basketball, should consider me entitled to this significant award is the source of greater pleasure than the receipt of the beautiful trophy itself. "The cooperation and support which the Coaches Association has given to the National Basketball Committee are factors of great im- portance in bringing the game to its present high state of popularity and success. Your organization has studied the rules unselfishly and with a view to what is best for the game's development. The result has been Some very constructive changes in the rules as well as the suppression of many suggestions which your study has shown to be undesirable. —3- "T trust that the National Basketball Committee will continue to merit and to receive your cooperation and valued aid in promoting the welfare of basketball. "With kindest regards to you and to my many other friends in the Coaches Associa- DORs 1 ant Very sincerely yours, (Signed) Oswald Tower" In honoring Oswald we certainly honored ourselves. The committee from the Coaches Association that names the recipient for 1945 will soon be sending in their votes. rr -you have suggestions you wish to. send in, add them to the reply sheet vou find attached, Our membership shows somewhat over 200 coaches at the same position as for the.last several years-~160 other coaches either in service or in changed position and another group of coaches we've lost track of. These 450 coaches are those who have been members some time since 1940. Your Secretury-Treasurer, Howard Hobson, is at present serving the government. . This letter and questionnaire are being sent to 206 coaches who sre now coaching in the same positions as for the last few years and who have been members for some time. A few are at present in arrears on membership dues. Cordially yours, EJH/nd EDWARD J. HICKOX QUESTIONNAIRE SENT BY NATIONAL ASSOCTATION OF BASKETBALL COsCHLS OF THE UNITED STATES FILL OUT AND RETURN IMMEDIATELY IN THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE 1. Shall we call a general conference in spite of government regule- tions? Yes No meee 2, Shall we call a meeting of the Executive. Committee, presumably at the time of the tournaments in New York City? Yes 2S No CE get 3. Shall we continue for another year the present officer and committce personnel’ | Yes No hie If there is a meeting, shall the Executive Committee select new officers for 1945-46? ! Te: No 5. Do you prefer a mail vote on new officers after the Executive - Committee has conferred with 4 Nominating Committee? Yes No 6. Shall the Kxecutive Committee in conference with the chairman of your Rules Committee, John Lawther, make recommendations to the National Rules body? | Yes No Raton gare monn 7, Shall the Executive Committee invite in for at least one confer- ence the Association members who may be in New York City at the time of this cslled meeting? Yes No \ eet en 8, When shall the Association again begin to collect membership dues from those now holding "Duration" cards? Check year LOWS ci SRO ca POUT RS 9. What else shall the Executive Committce try to accomplish? “ADDITIONAL INFORMATION “ANTED! 1. Write in uny suggestions you have for the Association. 2, Write in in full on any rules' ehanges you wish. 3, Write in in full on any piece of experimentation you have done or seen done or heard about Uhat you may feel has any value to Association members. 4h. Send in any items of news that might interest the members. We'il put out a report in April. Signed TELEPHONE CIRCLE 6-6600 CABLE ADDRESS “PICCADILLY NEW YORK” : 3 | is A 4 § eo RS ee & Se Di as TOS FS 7 r. eee kf \ = x : Lt Mj é nh Aa ee Erar i ‘ i 227 WEST 457n STREET AT BROADWAY New YorRK fg ck ttl Roy MOULTON MANAGER TELEPHONE CIRCLE 6-6600 = Doon mm mee ; ; (eam ot ot et ee] q Roy MOULTON MANAGER CABLE ADDRESS “PICCADILLY NEW YORK” SZ 227 WEST 451n STREET AT BROADWAY New YoRK DEAN NESMITH Left last Saturday at 4:40 peme, arrived in New York at 10:30 aeme Monday. Reported inmediately te Cel. Clark. In the afterneon they were fitted for vmiforms, and then wore in the briefing room for quite some tine. Personnel: Administrative a“ Football Coach - Football vy Track & Field ‘(Officials 7 Bening & Hrestiing | Baseball? Trainer Will leave Wednesday (today ) fer P.0.B. Staley, of Illineis Ceeil Isbel, ef Purdue Heward Hebsem, Oregon Ue Bill Hargiss Den White Billy Cavanaugh, ef West Point Ethan Allen, formerly piteher fer New York Giaxts Dean Nesmith, Ue @ Kansas January 12, 1945. ir. George Nettels, | Pittsburg Midwajgk Coal & Mining Co., Pittsburg, Kansas. Dear George: I em sending you a clipping from the sport page of the University Daily Kansan for January 9th, shoving that my supposi tions were well founded. | I told you Bob came in to see me and said that as” soon as he got his grades up he would report for varsity ball. But he could still play for the Betas even though his grades were low. I think you get what I meen. Bob inferred that he was not playing with the Betas and that he appreciated what I had done for him. This is a enall case in point, but it does illustrate the fact that loyalties sometimes ere lightly held. = Very sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Sducation, PCA: AH | | Varsity Besketball Coech. | ce - Bob Schwanzle January 9, 1945. ure George Ee Nettels, Vice President, Pittsburg & Midway Coal Mining Company, Pittsburg, Kansas. | Dear George: - Twas mighty happy Gurt liked the ball. ‘You tell him that I om counting on him for my varsity. More power to him, and to the Nettels fanily. Bob Schwangle came over to the auditoriwa yesterday while we were practicing and we had a nice visit. fob is a fine boy. I was very frenk with him regarding the tactios of fraternities in grabbing the boys off the moment they drop out a week or so from their varsity basketball practice. We had a good frank talk, and | gets his physics back he is coming out. Really, he is a fine basketball player and 1 imow he will do us a lot of good. We have an ordinary team and Bob oan make a bution. But of course he hasn't been out long enough to know the plays and that will handicap him. But ho has lots of ability @ With all good wishes to the entire Nettels family, I am Sincerely youra, Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. ESTABLISHED 1665 Th Hibotang C: Miloay lou cL es Abstarg hansas C January 5, 1945. Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doc: It would warm the cockles of your heart, if a heart has a cockle, to visualize the extreme pleasure this youngster of mine had when he found the basketball in his sock on Christmas morning. The fact that it had been used only enhanced its value. I told him your team had used it in several games last year, which added much to its intrinsic worth. If he isn't a hot-shot by the time he is ready to go to college, I'll miss my guess, because he certainly has a good eye. George Mackie installed a regulation goal over at the side of his home and there the kids shoot at every opportunity. It was darned nice of you to go to the trouble of arranging for George to get it and bring it home and I appreciate it very much. I had quite a talk with George about Schwanzle and he verified the report that Schwanzle was flunking in Physics. However, when I told him I would bet him that he would wind up on the Beta intramurals team he didn't seem to disagree very heartily. I told him very specifically to tell Bob to go over and talk to you at the first opportunity and discuss the thing with you so there would be no misunderstanding either way. I told him I thought there wasn't much gratitude in that kind of business unless he actually is in trouble scholastically. Maybe by now he has been around to see you - I hope so. I observe Oklahoma met its waterloo at Kansas State which, no doubt, surprised you. At least, it did me and Curt - Curt said it couldn't be so. I suppose everyone will be off very substantially this season, but I suspect you will be in there pitching with whatever you have got a and will no doubt fare better than the second division. Please give my regards to Mrs. Allen and my best to you. Sincerely, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS THE GRADUATE SCHOOL LAWRENCE December 20, 1944 Dr. F. C. Allen Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Again I have read the Jayhawk Rebounds with great pleasure and satis- faction. Please accept my thanks--and keep me on your list if you have copies enough to go around. Sincerely yours, J. H. Nelson IM Hisbung (Mul toal N ining i. ae Ahisturg Banses VICE PRESIDENT December 1, 1944. Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doc: Incidentally, wasn't the spectacle at the Ruppert Stadium a terrible exhibition? If I had a football team, the members of which nullified every good effort that was made, I would get me a small ball bat, not too well padded, and swing it generously and rather indiscriminately. If there is anything that makes me mad in a football game is to see an infraction of the rules penalize a team at a crucial moment - I was thoroughly disgusted. I am glad you have Schwanzle sizeé up as you have. I think he is a swell kid and will respond to your handling mag- nificently. He is a lad that will need some guidance and I know you are the type of fellow he will be influenced by greatly. I'll be up some day when I have a little time and I'll make it a point to get around to 8th. & Louisiana before I leave town. With warmest personal regards, I am Cordially, GEN : OM ‘varsity regularly.” November 28, 1944 i went to write you about Bob Schwangle. He reported for basketball I had only a brief look-see, I think he has got the stuff. His knee is entirely healed, or at least enough for him to — scrimmage like the dickens without any let-up. He looks good to me. _ He is a fine boy, with a wonderful personality and a lot of ability. I don’t want to get too enthusiastic, but I believe he is going to make the squad, and before long will be a very valued member. lls me that undoubtedly if he had been out earlier see, i when he was taking the treatments. Last evening when I talked with him about his knee I said, “Bob, if you had come up right away as soon as George Nettels told you to, you would have been playing football on the He looked at me rather sheepishly, and smiled. I think he appreciates what has been done for him and I believe that the recomendations you boys down at Pittaburg gave him regarding the ~ cure for his knee are soaking in. It was good to see you on the trek to the football field Thanksgiving Day, but the visit was much too short. We have got to have one of those. bullfests some time and hear you snort on how old Pather Time confused the Nebraskans on November 13, 1920. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA# H Varsity Basketball Coach. US al tsa AN nae November 27, 1944. Mr. Ernest &. Newcombe, S11 Bitting Building, Wichita, Kansas. Dear Ernest: Thank you so much for giving me the address of C. F. Newland. No, I did not kmow that he was ill, and I am glad to drop him a note expressing my hope for his early recovery. I am complimented to know that your Forrest liked the talk that we made. It was a pleasure for me to be there and to greet many of our old friends. I certainly will pass on your regards to Henry Shenk and Ray Kanehle | I am enclosing a Jayhawk Rebounds. Although it is rather old, | it is something thet I endeavor to write the boys overseas each | momthe ee nr when it is finished. With all good wishes, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball coach. SE RET TERE Ne A Say j Gut DIRECTORS DouGLAs TOMLINSON PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER VICE-PRESIDENTS HomMER TOMLINSON GENERAL MANAGER HorAceE JONES CLIFTON FERGUSON M. MEADow HOUSTON TIMES NATIONAL STANDARD BLDG, HOUSTON 2, TEXAS PHONE: PRESTON 7201 FORT WORTH TRipuNE CALL=CHURCH PRESS TRIBUNE CORNER FORT WORTH 2, TEXAS PHONE: 3-1415 DALLAS WORLD THOMAS BLDG. DALLAS 1, TEXAS PHONE: CENTRAL 4777 University of Kansa Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Allén: ou will and had Jaat remember, I been ill gotcha He is art time basis, addres 3 o~ > anG uw aM @ oa Newland, spent mos of 3he ti telling st ni HIS M MEMP IRROR GOODWYN INSTITUTE MEMPHIS 3, TENN, PHONE: 8-3041 told away away you supposed to be back to At least. and write it to ALL-CHURCH PRESS (INCORPORATED) LARGEST RELIGIOUS NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE IN THE SOUTH OR WEST ESTABLISHED 1912 BRANIFF BLDG. OKLAHOMA CITY 2, OKLA. TJ LSA HE RALD {ALL CHURCH PRESSD PHONE: 2-0455 NATIONAL MUTUAL BLDG. TULSA 3, OKLA. PHONE: 5-2647 WICHITA LiGut BITTING BLDG, WICHITA, 2, KANSAS PHONE: 2-2525 Wichita, Kansas 411 Bitting Building November <2, 1944 <= gS from the office for most of work next You as as that 1 you so that you could last night that Chasles ‘ 327 Coronado Place, Wichita. at the breakfast his mott ane “about _ ghte a ek 4 I do t+ belleév that ne gards TF = AaNE hn Sincerely Seuted Safar November 13, 1944. Mr. George E. Nettels, Vice President, Pittsburg & Midway Coal Mining Co., Pittsburg, Kansas. Dear George: You are hevnaiites welcome regarding Bob Simtndie.\ I examined him and believe that we will have opportunity to fix | him up in good shape. I turned him over to Dean because with my \ job as president of the Country Club plus my other work I am so — badly overburdened I was afraid I would not have time to meet | Bob regularly. And ton, I felt that Dean could give him ee. at definite ee imbervals. He would of course handle that, and I thought that I would keep a weather eye on Bob to see how he gota along. : Prom time to time I will make contacts with him and be assured that he is coming along in good shape. He seemed \ pretty much pleased with his first examination and treatment. I Je haven't seen him since, but I will endeavor to contact him, \ Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FOA: AH | Varsity Basketball Coach. 3 sella pias stinkin icialisonlan abs cams cial ieaiiaeadl ESTABLISHED 1685 Mid toal Mining li. é Sf UMung V ae Abistarg kansas Co November 9, 1944, Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doc: May I express to you my thanks and appreciation for help- ing out Bob Schwanzle. I have been greatly interested in this young fellow,ever since he was a mere kid, and because of that interest I was particularly anxious for him to see you and to receive the good help that you could give him. I understand that you have turned him over to Dean Nesmith which I know will work out fine. The Dean has so much of your technique that he no doubt will get him fixed up in good time. This Schwanzle kid is a good boy but does need a lot of good adult advice from people he admires. If you get the chance occasionally to talk with him please do so. If he comes out for basketball, and 1 think he will, you will have a good chance to get acquainted with him. I know that you can do him a lot of good. With kindest personal regards, I am Sincerely, GEN : OM