Chicago and North Western Railway Company rt Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway Co. TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT ht 401 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. D. D. SCHUPPENER, GENERAL AGENT A. B. LLOYD, TRAVELING AGENT KANSAS CiTy. Mo. Februarv 8, 1943 G33 Mre Louis Cote, TA Santa Fe Railwav Lawrence, Kansas Dear Louis: Regarding our conversation of this morning, relative to the twelve Ke Ue Basket Ball plavers using Interstate bus services fram Omaha to Ames via bes Moines. We have handled with the bus companr, who advise routing via Des Moines is okav, and iail- road tickets can be usede Sehedule is as follows; Leave Omaha 12:01 Pele Arrive Des Moines 4:59 P.M. Leave Des Moines 5:00 Pele Arrive Ames 6:10 P.M They state that the Ames bus waits at Des Moines for the connection for Omaha If there is anv further information which we mav help vou with pleasedo not fail to call on use Youys yrulyy, Doc: Ly Dincolin ,CB&Q at 8. AM. eral Agent Ar Onggas "" borate Fo —_— Cote