A. D, FULLERTON: L High School Principal Sec’y Boar ALBERT D. OETTING, Supt. Raytown Missouri te Dear Coach: Ihave one senior on my present basket ball team that has an unusual record so far; his record is as follows: Bob Hendrix 1927 7 ame te Sie c= ES} Ase Height 6', Weight 147 lbs., average scholastic record for four years 1a position forward & center (Captain). Number of games played 21. Points scored this season to~ — date 510. Average number of points per game 14.7 « General Comments ;- This boy has been selected on every star team that is possible to make in this section of the coun A very good ball handler # a rebound man - faker and post iat. His only love in athletics is basket ball - would make a fine addition to any collége basket ball team, Would you be interested in this boy? If so what could you” do for him? If you need added information about this boy I Hoping, to hear from you in - N would be more than glad to oblige. the near future, I am, sneer? yours, 4 Andy Nurski (Phy, Ed, Instructor)