Capt. Joel F, Nagle, 0-1583429 Site # 10, Base Air Depot # 2, A.P.0. 635 c/O Pm. New York, N.Y. March 14, 1945, Office of the Registrar: Dear Sir: I would greatly appreciate information as to requirements needed for certificate of teaching in Physical Education, I hold the degree of Bachelor of Philosophy and am a graduate of Marquette University 1940, (College of Journalism.) Credits in Education courses total three hours. Information is also requested as to whether college credits will be given for army physical education work, I have acted in the capacity of Physical training Officer and Base athletic Officer for three years in addition to having attended a number of army physical training schools end coaching clinics, Further request eligibility rulings conceming active. participation in intercollegiate athletics; i.e., will returning veterans who are college graduates and who qualify for Federal educetional benefits be eligible for intercollegiate competitiom? If such is the case, under what conditions? At the present time I happen to be in England, but expect to return in due time. Consequently, I am desirous of obtaining all information pertinent to continuing my education, Thanking you in advance, I remain, yours truly, POA Te / /soel F, Nagle, Captain, A.C.