Sports News ’ Information Service IOWA STATE COLLEGE AMES, IOWA 1942-43 Iowa State Basketball Roster: Player No. Het. Wet. Age Class Home Town Blise, Dick 24 §-2 “4396 29 i946 Ames Feuerbach, Orlyn 16. . G=2 178 20 1945 Keystone Gracoville, Charles 16 ©. 6=0 150 20 1944 Des Moines Hayes, Bob # 18 6-1 1756 22 1943 Plattsmouth, Neb. Yusted, Bill 20 6=1 L176 ce | 6 SD Ames —tnehler, Rollins appa = 1650 200«(:1944~=—Ss Carroll Lohry, Royal 5-0 180 20 1943 Sioux City Meis, Mark Ze Ga2 490 19 1945 LeMars Y Mickelson, Reubén* — 14 6=1 148 21 1944 Thief River Falls, Minn. Norman, Ron (0 16. Geb 168 19 1945 Fairfield Qulman, Gene 12. ek. 175 20 1945 Mason City Aiiehde, Ray Ll. . Ge] 161 19 1945, Holstein Priiehde, Roy LH, 21 6-1 161 19 1945 Holstein | Spiker, Keith Ae. Ged 180 20-1945 . Fort Wayne, Ind, * major letter winner. minor letter winner, Lost from 1941-1942 squad: Capt. Al Budolfson, all-Big Six first team forward twice. Highest scorer in Iowa State history. In Marines. Bob Harris, all-Big Six first team forward. Now in Navy. Carol Schneider, all-Big Six second team center. In defense work. Leon Uknes, played all positions, Now in Army. George Harville, guard. Now in Army. Harle Damon, forward or guard. Now at West Point. All were lettermen. Uknes, Harville, Damon all had competition remaining. Coach Louis Menze: Starting his fifteenth year at Iowa State. Has developed two conference champions in addition to some of the finest cage performers in Iowa State history. layed at Central Missouri State Teachers College under Phog Allen, , Menze is assisted by LeRoy C. (Cap) Timm, former University of Minnesota football and baseball star. Timm is the Cyclone baseball coach. Clayton (Chick) Sutherland coaches the freshman cagers. Sutherland played football, basketball, and baseball at Coe, -1942-