August 7, 1945 Mr. George E. Nettels Vice President Pittsburg Midway Coal Mining Co. Pittsburg, Kansas _ Dear iti I was delighted to receive your letter and to know that Mimi is making favorable progress. I certainly will make it a point to stop over and see Mimi at the first oppor- tunity that I am in Kansas City. I haven't written another Jayhawk Rebound, but when I do I'll see that she gets the next one begause it will provide sexe lichonieentt ah naiaal for her while she is shut in, You kmow with what keen interest we always follow the welfare of you and your family. I just received a letter from John Bunn and I am copying it for youe I believe that . 4t may prove as a mild surprise to you as it did to me. With all good wishes to you end yours, I am : ) Sincerely, Director, Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coach FCA:ef Eno e