SPEEDKODE “Keeping Everlastingly at It Brings Success” Telephones ereek 3 : LOCAL ARCH P. NARAMORE eres References Car Lot Distributor of LONG DISTANCE es FRUITS AND VEGETABLES L, D. 41 PRODUCE REPORTER DUN & BRADSTREET Orpheum Bldg. ; RESIDENCE ee WICHITA (2), KANSAS DIAL 3-2434 July 16, 1945 PERSONAL. Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansase Dear Phog: I have just finished reading Rebounds No. 17, and have read all others I have received. I marvel at your ability to write and express yourself - and - especially at the broad and interesting experiences you have had. Which is the occasion for my writing this letter, and the suggestion I have to make. . Why dont you write a book - an auto-biography? I feel that with the high ideals you have always maintained for the boys, teaching them to win honorably and honestly, incorporated in a book with your experiences, ~ would tend to raise the moral and spiritual standing of our boys. In my opinion, it would be a best sellerr among the boyhood of the nation. Illustrations of what I mean - The "Dream touchdown" in Rebounds No. 17. Your references to T. P. Hunter. I still recall the speech you made before our Rotary Club a number of years ago, and your reference to your own son. You have the ability of clinching your stories in a manner that they are not forgotten. With all your years of experience, you doubtless have a big fund of anecdotes, not only in basket ball, but along other lines. I have talked with many a fellow who was coached by you or came in contact with you, and never have I heard one say anything except favorable words. You already have a follow- ing that would assure the success of the publication. You now have an excuse for doing this - a_request. I do hope, for the good it will do, that you will give it some thought. This letter is not for publication, and no reply is necessary, and, I am sending you every good wish for your contin- ued success. Cove) ! ' [ HP. NARAMORE xu .4ZO7-