July 13, 1945. Miss Mary Nettles Wniversity of Kensas ecedhaba Kansas City, Kansas : ; last Sundey Mr. Mee phoned me saying that he had “heard the rumoy of your illness. I called Dr. Andrew Mitchell, and Dr. Spencer Bayles, but neither were on duty Sunday. I then called Dr. Don Carlos Peete at his residence and told him of the rumor, and he promised to write me Monday morning, but to this date I have not heard anything from hin. I asked Mrs. Mee &t noon and she stated that Mr. Mee was dowm at Osage City for the week, consequently she had. heard nothing regarding your conditions : ie my class in Commmity Recreation, I have Miss Frances Lend from Lee's Sumit, Missouri. She was in’8t. Joseph Sunday, and stated that she had heard of your disposition, but as to definite information she did not know the extent of your illness, so we are still stymied here. Dr. Bobby Allen left the hospital on July ist as Lt. (jg) in the Navy Medical Corps, therefore I had to rely on information the best way I could get it. I would have called your father and mother but I didn't want to bother them calling for I knew they had enough on their hands in this busy mate Iam sending you a.copy of the Jayhawk Rebounds in which you and your father are nentioned in the first paragraphe I trust that you are well enough to hear et least a part of it from your mom or someone who will read it to youe With kindest personal regards, I sincerely wish for your speedy recovery. : oa Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coach PCA: MBH