°| Johnson Countu Herald Overland Park, Kansas Hedrick 0621 November 20, 1943. Mre "hog Allen, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kase Dear Phog: The last time Bill was homehe was talking more of intra~mural basketbell rather than varsity. I em wondering if his being in com- petition with older, better and more exnericnced vlayers has him dis couraged? Even if he doesn't get any~ where for his first two or three _years, I feel the training and ex~ perience with the varsity squad would be of more benefit to him than any inter~freternity or minor playing. If you find the time I would appreciete a note as to whether or not I have sized up the situstion correctly. Incidentally don't men~ tion to Bill that 1 have written, as he is at the age where he doesn't want me to be "butting in" on his affeirse Sincerely, Loyd Ne % ey, i 2 ONAN Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Th