September 3, 1943. Lieut. 0. F, Nesmith, USNR, VD-1, o/o Postoffice, San Francisco, California. Dear Ole: 4nd too, I knew of the death of your brother, Clair. It affected Dean very deeply. Of course, will have more of this coming to each and all of us, and while we are never ready for it, we must acoept it as one of life's fates. If any of us live long enough those things visit us often. I wes glad to have your description of your camp. it sounds exwiting and intriguing, but perhaps not too inviting. I'll bet you have some very interesting times. I will send you a colored Jayhawker sticker for the insignia of your air- oraft. I hope that Jayhawk bird really swoops down and tears their vitals out. We are mighty happy to have Dean in our department. We ‘ have a very happy relationship with all of our coaches and instructors, and it_is a pleasure indeed to work with then. With all good wishes to you and yours, I am Praternally yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach.