UNITED STATES PACIFIC FLEET AIR PHOTOGRAPHIC SQ c/o Post Office, San Francisco, Califo 17 August 1943 Doctor F. C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen, To say that I thankfully acknowledge receipt of the "Jayhawk Rebounds", is putting it mildly. And I'm quite sure all recipients feel the same way and fully appreciate your thoughtfuliness. It not only gave me info on the whereabouts of many K.U. athletes, but also news as to the University's administrative and athletic program. Athletic predictions are always interesting. Not many weeks ago I learned of Lt. Lawrence Stolands death ~ a great loss to Dr. and Mrs. Stoland, family and friends. The only other death in the war that actually hit me between the eyes was, of course, that of: my brother Clair kitied on re Or Jamary A, 19426 | Re | : war camp here, on an island in the Southwest Pacific, is as comfortable | \as one might expect under the circumstances. It's located on the bank of a ‘fast moving jungle river, and if we weren't visited so often one could easily imagine he was on a trek with a safari and had stopped for an indefinite period. Two of our pilots are Kan o"Esign H.-bs-PReterson of Wellington, nsign Glenn A. Braun™ < Since some 6f our-planes have insignias ‘wa,nould like #~tolored sticker or print of a Jayhawk*to use as a model i sjir-etreraft. It's a grand (§ aoe that the 2 I'm pleased Dean will be with you again for he's very fond of you and ~ wants Lawrence to be his —: On both counts I concur absolutely and unequi- vocally. o, Best regards to Mrs. Allen and friends at the University. _ ay yours, Lieutenant 0. F. Nesmith, USNR, VD=1 # Post Office, San Francisco, California.