IF YOURE ON TEE LOOKOUT 708 A NOVEL PROGRAM FOR YOUR CLUB OR LODGE cee. . SHUT - MOUTH SCHULTZ CLUB PROGRAM \ Here is a novelty program that can be put on by any club... fo Nae ee: Some outsider can impersonate "Shut~-Mouth" Schultz, who has oe . been invited to address the club on the subject of "Modern neler Business Practices." The novelty of thé program is based on -G ne : the fact that "Shut-eMouth" Schultz delivers his entire address TOA? /" fi} <= without opening. his mouth once. This is pdssible by a trick ae Rrra rs oe arrangement of a public address system, which is explained in the program, The address itself is a riot of fun. In his talk on "Modern Business Practices" Schult z ‘discusses different business and professional classifications. The program is so written that the name of the club member who represents that classification may be used, Thus when discussing druggists the name of the druggist in your club can be referred to. The same is true for the grocer, banker and the like. Zach member gots: a good razzing which keeps the audience roaring with laughter from start to finish, This program complete, ‘ineluding newspaper stories to use in connection with it, sells for $1.50. Skee eRe dente nee PDP ET AERP ORE PRES SARA RENE ERG Ramone Nidal dn Vdd id dieu Ka OCR L Tb Lecce eee Ade LUA Re some ote LTR Le dye mpBUAN dab Np eV eh ot si Kpye cod rebpeWhduseads Pedebeb i Ure sherds ridscqevase od ne Mpsa pened edo sdee p's esihedypney eeae er gr vweded