Asst. to Athletic Director, Kansas State College, Menhattan, Kansas. Dear Frank: I am writing you an apology for the overtime that our demonstration consumed at the game Saturday night, March 6. I em sending you en onionskin copy of the program be- - tween halves as outlined by the Chamber of Commerce committee. I wish you would show this to Chili to assure him that we were under the impression that the program would not take over thirteen minutes. You will recall that my remarks instead of being to minutes were limited to one minute. Therefore, the extra overtime consumed was used up by the longer introductions of the players. : I regret exceedingly these unfortunate incidences and had I known earlier that they would have taken up more of the tine than planned I would have spoken to Chili about it. He seemed pretty mich upset and I am sorry for it. But I em sending this to you as mute evidence that I had reason to believe they would not run overtime. I will thank you to show this to Chili and assure him that we meant no discourtesy to him nor did we desire to cause him any inconvenience. We were doing everything oa ee ee hos te. : With all good wishes, I an Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach.