ESTABLISHED 1885 oe is Mhiaturg Hansa C C o O June 24, 1944. Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doc: This is in line with the subject I discussed with you sometime ago with reference to some of the kids coming up from Pittsburg, starting to school the first of July. One of the boys, George Timmons, will be 18 the 10th. of August. He plans to start to school on the first of July semester and what he would like to know is about what his prospects are for finishing the semester that closes along about November lst. He has the option of enrolling in either the complete semester or an eight weeks short course which is complete in itself. What he is concerned about is that he doesn't want to tackle the full semester and then be called out and not get any credit at all for the work he had done. I know you can't foresee the regulations and instructions, but at the present time how soon would a boy be called out who had to register August l0th., and does the draft board have any latitude in fen after they have been examined and accepted forJmilitary service. I would appreciate any information you can give me so I can pass it on and [I'll treat the information you might give me with the greatest of care. With kindest personal regards, I am Cordially, GEN :OM