=7* their competition. He suggested we need approach te uniformity. After further full discussion, sentiment gathered for approval of the 4 x 6 rectangular backboard for colleges. The sentiment was strongly expressed that with transparent material such as glass or plastic all the advantages claimed for the fan-shaped board would really be present in the rectangular. Further the rectangular board would still retain all its own advantages over the fan-shaped. There was expressed also the feeling that we should be getting experimental data on backboards this year so that after the war we could recommend a board of proven quality, service, and satisfaction. 6. Baskets-- Following the suggestion of experimentation with backboards came also one to get a basket of heavier material and less vibration than is now allowed by the rules. Hinkle and Lonborg suggested the basket put out by the J... Porter Company as a good type. The ring instead of being made of a cylindrical bar is made of an oval shaped bar thereby giving a greater degree of rigidity and permanence, 7. Nets-- After a discussion of nets the opinion crystalized that prebably a net made of #120 thread string is better than one made of the lighter materials required by the rules. Such nets do not normally flop up and stay across the rings. Also nets of this heavier material when made somewhat hour-glass shaped tend to check the ball momentarily on the way through and make the passage obvious. The medium length type seems preferential. Such a net is sold by the Athletic Supply Company of 330 Superior Street, Toledo, Ohie as well as by'ethers. This is something to try out for the coming season. . All these discussions and suggestions were presented to the Executive Committee the next day and the actions thereon are included in a report to the editor of the Rules Book, That report is included in these minutes. The next order of business was the discussion of the award _ made annually by the Association to that person doing the most for basketball. President Kelleher called for suggestions which might be carried to the Executive meeting the next day. Lambert proposed that the award be made to Mrs. Keogan in honor of George and his many years of fine service to the youth under his tutelage, and his professional contributions to the Association and helpful guidance to its membership. This suggestion was fully and feelingly seconded by all present, After some further discussion of general topics, the meeting adjourned so that all could get dinner and be back at the Garden for the final games of the Invitation Tournament between St. John and Toledo and for third place between Fordham and W. & d. President Kelleher announced that the Executive Committee meeting would be Tuesday morning at 11:00 A.M. in Hotel Belvedere,