is a brief financial report of the 1942 National Collegiate Athletic Association Basketball Tournament. Het Profits Western Play-off : denay.s 3 | Pinal Gemo : 1052678 Trophies | 224041 a ae as tee Administretive Expense ~ 913-52 Total Net Profits — $is61.85 The expanses of the teans that competed in the vartous tournaments amounted to $11,784038, and following the tournament the money was paid to the institutions as followss Dartsmouth= = « « « « = = $5,259.54 Stanford-« «-<« =e ee«-<«@ 2,580.76 Colorad0]= =e eee «= 912.25 Ranseage «© oe ew we wo wee S31ie76 Riec@e @ ewe we we we ewe we we & 885.00 ; Zentuckye «« we oe oe 1,009.96 Penn States «= —- = =— =~ 15465085 Tllinocise e«98 «ves st ccietane in May 1941 the MeGehehe tristan Committee took the following action in connection with H.CeCeAs Basketball Tournaments _ “That the mount set aside for the competing teems be apportioned on the besis of one= th of that amount to each team for esich game playede" In accordance me this action the following division has been . Net Receipts $1361.85 — Amount paid to injured boy, ee Anovmt paid to attorney for | handling case 100,00 10% to MeCoAahe | 101.18 made s