is that those who are to win in this contest must have a strong moral purpose, strong physical bodies, strong minds, and an approach to truth that is clean and fine and strong. Because, after all, men, if you trace back what is behind this great international upheaval of today you will find that in Europe and in America immorality has gone past the per- sonal stage; it has gone to the place where nations are im- moral, where lies are part of the force which is used by cer- tain totalitarian powers. France didn’t fall because of strength without. France fell: because of weakness within, because of something inside that was working havoc, a propaganda of lies. Belgium was the victim of propaganda. I come to you to suggest that in the athletic departments of this country there lies a responsibility for building up a love for truth, of clean manhood. There can be no No Man’s Land between truth and falsehood. You can teach, better than any other group of men in any college, what truth means. That is my objection to a concealed program of sub- sidizing in any college. It isn’t the fact that one college is built up and beats another; it is the fact that the system of subsidizing influences the boys, particularly the boys who are subsidized and are told to tell nothing about it, and, more than that, the college body as a whole. I think the time has come when we must realize that absolute honesty, cost what it will, is going to preserve civilization more than anything else; that nations are but groups of individuals, and that if people as a whole laugh at truth, if we take short-cuts, if we sneer at moral principles, sooner or later we are going down as other nations have gone down. In the second place, gentlemen, we need as never before in the history of the world men who are unselfish ; men who are kindly; men who are thoughtful. I am sure that you have that sort of men on your athletic teams, because let me say this to you, that I have observed over a long period of many, many years in education, the boys who are in team athletics, who are strong physically, are the most loyal, are the most appreciative boys in the average American insti- tution. I would take them any time as over against those boys who spend their leisure time in smoke-filled rooms— those pseudo-intelligentsia discussing what is wrong with the American way. If they only knew—what is wrong is with their digestions and not with the American way! I would rather have the type of boy who spends his spare time on the athletic field. And now my critics will say, “Oh, you’re in favor of healthy morons.” No; I am in favor of healthy, normal, loyal human beings. No; I am in favor of physical strength 5